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Winter fish ( around rose bay and vaucluse)


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Good day to all you keen anglers out there,

As were are heading into the winter months shortly, i grew curious of what kind of fish I should target in general, but more particularly around Rose bay and Vaucluse. Also any suggestions on how i should set up my hook, what bait i should use and what time of tide i should fish at would be greatly appreciated. Would love to here any successful fishing stories on this matter. Preferably land based suggestions too please!



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Hmm good question cuss, around the marina's at rose bay there seem to be fish galore. these include snapper, bream, leatherjacket and trevally. Some good sized boys as well. Be careful though there is a very angry women around the marina that doesn't seem to like fishing. Poor lady. Good luck to all anglers and hopefully this will help you find some success!


The Shepard.

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Hi Cuss,

As Sea Shepard said, you can find bream, jackets, trevally and (if you're lucky) snapper in those areas. 

I'd opt for a running sinker rig with the smallest sinker possible to get to the bottom, and a leader 4-6ft long.

For bait, your usual suspects should work well - Pilchard, prawns, chicken (breast and guts), and bread.

Good luck!



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