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Sydney Harbour Kingfish


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Fellow Raiders,

Headed out with a good mate on Sydney harbour early Monday morning in search of some Metre+ Kingies.. Feeling a bit ambitious we tackled a few squid spots in the east however found it quite tough. We moved around from Rose Bay to Manly and after 3 hours we had 2 cuttlefish and 3 decent sized Squid. 

Armed with limited supply, we kicked off our session with a live cuttlefish at the buoy just off Clifton Gardens. After 3 minutes all was left to show was the cuttlebone once the pickers got to it. Plopped a second one in, this time a bit higher in the water column but yet again smashed by pickers.

Next stop was Milk Beach where we picked up another squid and off to the wreck just off Clark Island. 
Fed down a squid head on 100lb leader and a strip on an 80lb. Lots of markings and after about 10 minutes the rod with the squid head buckles over. I could barely get the rod out of the holder and when I finally did I felt like I had no control but to hold on. What must of been a 1.2 mtre Kingy, took a turn and cut my line on the engine prop. Fuming at myself for not having better control, the rod with the strip buckles over and just as my mate got to it, line whizzes and silence. Kingy found refuge under the reef!

Feeling determined, rigged up another squid head and on the second rod hung out the gut with ink sac still in tact. Within 5 minutes rod bends and I'm on again, this time well away from the engine!
After about a 6 minute wrestle I bring up this beauty just hitting the 1 metre mark. 

Most of my previous trips lately in the harbour have been unsuccessful.. why? Because i was using yakkas and not Squid. It didn't even matter than the Squid wasn't live, as long as it's fresh those kings are hungry for it. 

Hope they stick around a bit longer!




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Hi Ebenos,

That's a great report and you certainly have the right locations and the best baits now so I can see you coming up with a few more big Kings.

It can be hard to find squid in the Harbour at times and 3 hours of work is hard slog when you want to get a bait out! In the harbour they are the gun bait and you certainly wont see any of the fishing guides bothering with any other bait.

Don't write the humble yakka or slimey off outside the heads or at the close in reefs though... this is where I have found them more productive.

Cheers and good luck on the next trip.






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@fragmeister Thanks champ. I've spent the whole summer learning to use my downrigger with yakkas and been disappointed over and over again. I guess its all part of the learning experience. My trolling motor is being fitted this week which should help with the squidding. I've found i'm most successful in shallow areas and when i come up quiet. 
My attention has been fully switched to squidding and i am really hoping the kings stay around the harbour through winter :/

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2 hours ago, ginko said:

beware squidding near manly: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/content/fisheries/marine-protected-areas/aquatic-reserves/north-harbour-aquatic-reserve  apparently fisheries have been occasionally enforcing the (somewhat mysterious) ban on squiding within this area.



Pretty soon all of Sydney harbour will become a no fishing/ aquatic reserve if certain people get their way........ 

Im all for conservation but cant help but feel that those doing the real damage are the ones with the least restrictions.

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2 hours ago, GoingFishing said:

Pretty soon all of Sydney harbour will become a no fishing/ aquatic reserve if certain people get their way........ 

Im all for conservation but cant help but feel that those doing the real damage are the ones with the least restrictions.

Slowly, it will eventually happen one day.

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