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evening beach session

Guest Guest123456789

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Guest Guest123456789

Went out the other night on dusk to try for tailor. Sea was strong from the SE and really dark. 

Ended up with 8 tailor, 2 trevally and 3 bream. Threw back 4 rays, undersized trevally and tailor.

Sorry about the photo, got one in the car and then buckled over with diverticulitis when I got home. Had to donate the fish to the neighbours.

Thanks for reading. Luke.


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Guest Guest123456789
1 hour ago, DaveBM said:

Productive evening with a horrible end. Effectively, that's two mixed bags in one night!

Where was this?

Thanks Dave. Wamberal

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Guest Guest123456789
1 hour ago, Regan said:

how big were the tailor

Small around the 35 to 45 mark. Below 35 or thereabouts I release them not enough meat.

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