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Sydney Land Based still viable this time of the year?


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Hi all,

With the weather getting colder, just wondering if it's still viable for land based fishing this time of the year? Any suggestions for any spots? (Bonus points if the waters are good enough for eating).

I've fished in the past Bobbin Head, La Perouse and Lilli Pilli. So far only had luck at Bobbin Head and La Perouse but was damn lucky to get anything.


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Hi mate,

If you're willing to travel a bit, the rocks down Wollongong and Shellharbour area are still producing pelagics. What species are you aiming for?

I'm sure that if you're aiming for bread-and-butter species like bream and flathead you'd pick them up in the harbour. Some of the overpopulated landbased spots (Pier 2 springs to mind) can produce pelagics if you can get past the human traffic!

Beaches also produce whiting, bream, flathead, tailor, salmon etc.



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12 hours ago, Fishfish2310 said:

Hi all,

With the weather getting colder, just wondering if it's still viable for land based fishing this time of the year? Any suggestions for any spots? (Bonus points if the waters are good enough for eating).

I've fished in the past Bobbin Head, La Perouse and Lilli Pilli. So far only had luck at Bobbin Head and La Perouse but was damn lucky to get anything.


Do what I did. Check this site for knowledge about luderick fishing, watch a bunch of youtube videos, and enjoy!

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2 hours ago, Wellzy94 said:

Hi mate,

If you're willing to travel a bit, the rocks down Wollongong and Shellharbour area are still producing pelagics. What species are you aiming for?

I'm sure that if you're aiming for bread-and-butter species like bream and flathead you'd pick them up in the harbour. Some of the overpopulated landbased spots (Pier 2 springs to mind) can produce pelagics if you can get past the human traffic!

Beaches also produce whiting, bream, flathead, tailor, salmon etc.



Thanks for the suggestions.

Wollongong is probably a bit far for me.

Might try the northern beaches (curl curl). Would a normal rod (not beach rod) be capable of getting bream off the sands or will it not be able to cast out far enough?

My friends and I are beginners.

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It's still good. I go to Pearl Beach several times a week and always get a few - usually just a couple of flathead but that's enough for me, I never take more then I need for dinner that night.

it did start out hard though. Sydney land based is not super-productive and you have to refine your approach to get to the point where you catch consistently. Bait, rig, rod, tide, time of day, beach structure etc all need to be thought about and optimised. 

I find a short rod difficult. It's not so much the casting distance (many fish will be in close, especially at dawn/dusk) but I like the way a long rod raises the line high enough not to be bothered by the surf. It just gives you better command over your line and more information about what is happening on the other end.

basically though, I go fishing a lot because we are living in a townhouse with no yard and unless I get outdoors for a while every day I go nuts.

lately I've shifted to setting two rods, both with circle hooks, and not touching them till I know the fish is firmly hooked (and then waiting a bit more). Maybe it works better then my previous strategy of frigging with the rod every time I see something biting, maybe not, but it is calmer.


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