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Gemfish & Blue eye cod


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G'day Guys

I've not been out to try my luck this year but I have heard along the grape vine that there's nothing at all out in the deep, I thought this was a bit strange so just thought I would confirm if its just a rumour. Has any one heard of Gems or blue eye being caught lately?



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Ive just read your post Croydon looks like your having a great time down there!

 Ive been trying my luck around Wollongong area with hope to find a deep drop location there but no such luck as yet, Previous years Ive been fishing Browns but its over populated & further from home is making me sway towards Wollongong.



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Hi Brett,

Yeah it's been pretty good down here lately.  The coast out the front of Batemans Bay is pretty featureless, unlike Browns etc. We've picked our spots by having a look at decent navionics maps, looking for tight contour lines where you'd expect to see steep drop offs etc.  Places directly east of a decent river system are also worth looking at as the mountain ranges, valley's, water courses will generally continue well out to see and over the shelf.  Worth having a look at your maps around Wollongong and then just go prospecting.  We've found some productive new ground this way.  A decent sounder helps a lot too.  Good luck with it and hope you get it wired.  Cheers........


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5 hours ago, Croydon said:

Hi Brett,

Yeah it's been pretty good down here lately.  The coast out the front of Batemans Bay is pretty featureless, unlike Browns etc. We've picked our spots by having a look at decent navionics maps, looking for tight contour lines where you'd expect to see steep drop offs etc.  Places directly east of a decent river system are also worth looking at as the mountain ranges, valley's, water courses will generally continue well out to see and over the shelf.  Worth having a look at your maps around Wollongong and then just go prospecting.  We've found some productive new ground this way.  A decent sounder helps a lot too.  Good luck with it and hope you get it wired.  Cheers........


Thank you for the tips there Croydon, We actually started searching contour lines Last Monday only to find a school of young Mako Sharks around the 95cm mark in 500m. I was happy with the sounder on the day it was holding bottom & showing fish up to 305m pretty good for a stock transducer I am still yet to buy a 1kw but keep putting it off its a lot of money to spend when your having fun doing things the hard way, One of these days I will get to do a report with a decent brag photo!

Cheers; Brett

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The makos would have been there eating something.  It can frustrating but fun.  Sounds like your sounder is set up pretty well as it is.  Good luck I'm sure we'll see that trophy photo soon.  Cheers


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