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Narrabeen lagoon


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Ahh, today was a nice day fishing, but I won't bore you with the details. Or the fish. Let's get to the point. I have soft plastics, jig heads, a rod, a wetsuit and a car. Where should I fish at Narrabeen lake? Location wise. Going for flathead and whiting land based. Thanks.

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Arthur mate. You need to take your soft plastics to Narrabeen Lakes , rig up and get fishing. Flathead, and other species, react to movement. They don't hit a soft plastic because it looks like a soft plastic. They see food and attack it because they're hungry. Put a plastic near a hungry fish and make it look interesting...and you will catch fish. Good luck .BN

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I have not heard much about whiting on SP , usually people target them on clear poppers (HB) in summer on sand flats. In regards to flatheads - as big Neil mentioned - they are attracted more to action rather than look. From my observation Narrabeen flatheads are a bit lure size-shy. I would use  5-6 cm SP with scent e.g Xfactor near the structure / drop offs. Though, probably I would keep the Gulp away from the structure as they attract too many small pickers and get shorter with every cast. There are plenty of fish teeth-resistant resin-based SP on the market.   HBs such as metal vibes(blades)  will perfectly do the job for flathead particularly if the casting distance is required. There is a small tackle shop near the lake close to the wollies bridge - they should know where, what and how you can the fish in the lake at the moment.

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You'll have much less luck during the colder months. Flathead in the lake are much more active in warmer water but not to say it can't be done. 

I've had good success with grub-type lures. Prawn and paddle tail styles will also work. In fact flathead will eat almost anything that moves 

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3" minnows by gulp or powerbait in darker colours are the go in the lakes. Wade out onto the sand flats at the caravan park and walk along the edge of the drop off allllllll the way down back and forth casting, you should be able to fish a good 2-300m stretch however there is a deeper bit in the middle where the wetsuit will come in handy. Let me know if you need a photo of the map. But definitely darker colours like camo, pumpkinseed etc in 3" minnow or 3" minnow grub. Keep moving and casting in all areas and you'll get fish. Hope this helps

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10cm Gulp Nemesis in the pearl colour has been my most consistent producer in Narrabeen. Also, I have found the back of the lake to be better than the front (perhaps less heavily fished?), but weed in the water makes things frustrating so suggest you use a weedless rig.

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