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Grouper on crabs


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On my species list, I have 2 more fish to tick off. A jewie (of course) and a grouper. Or that fat fish that eats crabs. Firstly, how do I catch crabs and where. Secondly how how I hook crabs and where should I fish for the grouper. Lastly, are there any tactics I should know about fishing for grouper? Thanks

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generally any platform of the rocks cant tell specific location as i don't live around your area, baits you should find on the rocks, crabs, under the crab there should be a triangle shaped bit(you will get what i mean when you see one) put the hook through there and out the top leaving the hook point exposed and fish wait less or very near wait less  and keep the line slack so the bait has a free natural floating way you can find them in similar places to drummer

cheers mate

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do you mean blue groper ???most rocky hedlands with some reef will have some groper in residence..use 2x hooks in 3/0to 6/0..you can rip top shell off crab and use whole or halves threaded thru leg holes..small running ball sinker straight to hook..hold on..rick

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crabs can be a bit tricky to catch a long handled scoop can help use a bit of fish flesh in the rock pools to bring them out.

Fish the washes around the deeper points and bombies, make sure you berley with sand, bread and prawn heads ground up together. add some sea urchin if you can find any.

As for the groper have tangled with a few and come off second best each time.

groper absolutely pull like a submarine you need a good quality mainline at least 30lb mono and as Rick said hang on

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Heard people using simple rigs of just a running ball sinker to swivel. and 50pound leader to hook.  This is because of their environment they live in which will snag you alot. Groupers will eat anything and last time i dived,  Saw a 5kg Male (blue ) eating a whole handful of green algae weed so that could work also

Edited by trigunner54
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forgot to mention that best way to catch crabs is in the dark with a torch..they are out an about in the night time..i use a length of stiff wire and hammer the end flat and shape like spear point..poke crab then twist spear so point grabs inside then remove from crack...good luck...ps if you wanna catch a grouper go to queensland..haha ..rick

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I have 20 lb braid, thats bad right? And when you say reefs, where do you mean? Can someone pm me about a good location for crabs? I heard avalon rocks is good. Dont really wanna drive there though. Groper will probably be where the crabs are. Preferably not tall rocks and a safer place but whatcha gonna do eh? Thanksfor all the info guys. Appreciate it.


Edited by arthur06
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10 hours ago, rickmarlin62 said:

forgot to mention that best way to catch crabs is in the dark with a torch..they are out an about in the night time..i use a length of stiff wire and hammer the end flat and shape like spear point..poke crab then twist spear so point grabs inside then remove from crack

never heard of that one

have to give it a go

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