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Sydney Sunday.


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Gday all bit of a late report. Beautiful morning Sunday not a cloud but jeez that winter chill gets ya. Headed out the front to a half metre south swell and virtually no current basically just drifted west with the wind which didnt get past 15 kn all day. Once you headed past 65M current started and was downhill at .7kn. Water still warm at 20° but green.

 Fish are still on the chew and still getting snapper about a 3 to 1 keeper ratio. Fish bit all morning and ended up with a good feed of snapper, flatties, trevs, mowies and pigs. Most of the flatties were all above 50 and all with meat on them. All fish were taken on pillies didnt want nothing to do with prawns or squid. Plenty of whales about got pestered by them all day lol. Heaps of bait on the surface all day just getting harrassed by gannets all day but didnt see anything busting up through them.

 All in all a good but chilly day on the water.

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Nice report finin! It was nice on the water Sunday and we had no current up here either! Water was dirty close in and around 20deg. You should parcel them mowies up and send them to yowie as he travels up north! Lol :)

cheers scratchie!!! 

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Went out on Monday and moved around an area out from North Head. Mowies and keeper snapper were around and once we got to the sand areas some decent flathead and numerous whiting were snagged. While the wind was 10 knots and down to 5 knots by 1.00pm, we still experienced numerous monumental tangles. One sage on board claimed that the current is slow on the dark of the moon but picks up around the full moon. Not sure about that! Any ideas? Nevertheless a good time on the water with enough action to please everyone on board.

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6 minutes ago, cogo44 said:

One sage on board claimed that the current is slow on the dark of the moon but picks up around the full moon. Not sure about that! Any ideas? 

Not sure about offshore but in the estuaries i highly doubt its accurate.

Big tides around new and a full moon, same amount of water needs to enter and exit.

Interested to see if this has any merit elsewhere though.



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