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happiness is a salmon on the line !


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A few hours of fruitless bait soaking at the top and bottom of the tide, in the hope of a jewie. Last week in Cowan Creek. I tired with leftover squid and live poddies.

All the action it turned out was on the surface and lures. In between the slack tides, I paddled around a lot and had a little bit of good luck. Once I found them, the school  these came from kept popping up for about 2 hours. They were often within sight but not reach. It makes for suspenseful fishing. Happily, mine and their paths crossed enough times for me to snag three of them before they moved on. Salmon on light line are so my favourite fish :) An excellent arvo and a day saved by one of winters blessing.






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On 12/07/2017 at 9:21 AM, big Neil said:

Great pics HenryR...very creative. The one of the rod bent into the water must have been a bit difficult, with the fish pulling that much. Thanks for sharing it. Good fun the much maligned Salmon! BN

BN thanks very for noticing my pics! It was a concerted effort. Not so much hanging on to the rod, that's 3lb braid and very bendy stick, not too much force there. Aiming the camera was the hard but. A nice way to pass the time while waiting for those fish to wear themselves.

On 11/07/2017 at 8:46 PM, ARC H said:

well done mate salmon are an excellent sportfish especially on top

seem to be a few in the estuaries

they really shine in the estuarys I reckon arc. an under celebrated fish.

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mainline 3lb, but braid so I suppose - probably  breaks at about 6lb.

they weren't busting up big time, just and occasional stir on the surface. Enough :)

I had an amazing afternoon on them about this time last year, med size school that was pretty fired up, A couple of times as I was getting towed around by the fish I  assume the bait was trying to shelter under my kayak because, I'd be out in the middle of the river all of a sudden the water all round the kayak would go besrek with fish. Really wondeful stuff

Edited by HenryR
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20 hours ago, Regan said:

3lb must have given you a HUGE fight for those fit salmon

did you eat them?

Hey Regan,

Absolutely they were eaten. One got turned in to numus - pickled, much like ceviche. Prepped that way salmon are outstanding. It's great flesh and they taste clean and fresh. The others got thrown in a pot for tomato and tamarind curry that could sit in the fridge for a few days. Lots of strong and stinky flavours which, if you like salmon when their flavour becomes fishy, well, then that's great too.

It does depend a bit on what kind of 'fight' you like but 3lb is not as extreme as it sounds. it is, as noted above, the braid that's rated 3lb. You might know this already and surely there's should be someone here who understand it ... ??? For some weird reason, most braids break above at their advertised breaking strain.

I would guess the actual breaking strain I'm fishing is about 6lb. It's light enough to make some concentration obligatory and the outcome not completely certain but heavy enough that few get lost to minor mishaps. 5 - 10 minute fights and bigger fish need chasing, which is cool in a kayak!

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5 hours ago, HenryR said:

Absolutely they were eaten. One got turned in to numus - pickled, much like ceviche. Prepped that way salmon are outstanding. It's great flesh and they taste clean and fresh. The others got thrown in a pot for tomato and tamarind curry that could sit in the fridge for a few days. Lots of strong and stinky flavours which, if you like salmon when their flavour becomes fishy, well, then that's great too.

yeah ok, sounds yum


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