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Alvey Reels closes its doors NOT


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Yes, a sad day for Australian manufacturing, but we are all to blame. In the many reels I own I have only one Alvey. It has been absolutely faultless in its operation, almost indestructible, but I seldom use it, preferring to use either a baitcaster or spinning reel.

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I remember getting my first one.

A gift from my old man when I completed a year end activity at school in Year 9.

That year (1974) A volunteer from the local Fishing Club came in and taught us how to make our own rods from a blank. I remember it well because he did a fishing presentation on an old slide projector and as he was running through various fish species pictures up on the big screen he flicked the lever on the slide feeder and up popped a scantly dressed girl in a rather immodest pose ( by 1974 standards anyway.)  I guess that slide presentation was meant for a different audience than15 year old school boys!

I selected a 10'6 Light Beach rod blank and we set the gimbal for an Alvey Sidecast.

My old man bought me  6in Cedar Spool Alvey Side Cast (and it wasn't even my birthday!) In those days mum was in charge of all the present buying so it was pretty special when the old man bought you something.

I kept that reel in pristine condition for the next 40 years until some B@$t@rd stole it out of my shed along with about $5K of other gear. Everything else replaceable of course except the Cedar spool Alvey.

I am down to one Alvey none now which will always be my preference for beach fishing.

Thanks Donna for posting this. I may have to stock up on some parts.








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The makers of the dog dish should not go down.

So sad.

If i didn't by one off Swordy last year i would support them and buy another reel.



I might try to buy another side cast blackfish reel and some spare parts for the yabbie pump and drag washers either to help  them

or out of stock them.

Great Aussie Company

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I think I've still got the reel burn in the palm of my right hand from catching Jewies with the old no drag cedar versions.    I remember gaffing one for Dad that he caught on it using red and white feathers that went +35kg jewie off Dundogan Wall with it in the early 80s. You definitely couldn't break em and the sand didn't matter. I've also got a smaller cedar version I always liked as a drummer real.   Could float baits around and release line as needed. Great yabby pumps too.

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Guest Guest123456789

One of the local pros fishes with alveys. I asked him what he was going to do now they stopped making them. He said 'nothing' as the reels will outlive him he reckons 

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