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Advice for a "big fish" rod


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The reel I lost that fish on was a piece of crap reel from a $20 kmart combo. I'm certain the gear was at fault there, because the gear is garbage. It had what I believe was 30 pound mono, and the drag was very loose when it snapped the line. I've always had problems with that reel, but I think the icing on the cake was loosing that fish.

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My two cents regarding baitrunners. I have a shimano baitrunner OC 6000 with 30lb braid, and I love it. Its like my child, and its been tested by kings, but more importantly by big rays of the beach. Nothing melted.... after being spooled

No idea what exactly you'd be melting, stock standard reels are generally metal and fibre washes. only plastic is the drag cap but if you melt that youve got bigger issues. Dont trust everything you read, if theres one thing we fishermsan love to do its talk s###. Everything is on a scale of 350%.

You treat youre gear well and as it was designed to be used, itll love you back

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Cool, thanks for the help everyone. When I get the chance I'll pop down to Ottos Tackle World and see whether they'll make me a deal with a 6000D baitcaster and some braid line. I'll also bring my Shimano Jewel so I can buy a new guide and fix that up.

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Just went to Otto's tackle world and bought myself a Baitunner 4000D, haven't tried it out in the water but seems very smooth so far. Was still on the fence about the 4000 or 6000, but the guy at the store convinced me that the 4000 was better for my rod. I was also on the fence between the J braid and power pro line, but went with the power pro depth-hunter 20lb line in the end, again based on advice from the store guy. I got some supplies to fix my guide while I was there, and next Sunday I'll be giving the new setup it's first spin, I'll have to see how it goes.

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