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Prawning Newcastle/Hunter area


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Hey Everyone 

I want to go prawning but dont know any good spots. Ive only ever prawned down wollongong area at wingdang which was ok. I have heard about Swansea channel and lake munmorah and also canton beach. I have researched the best time is about 10 days after a full moon which will be soonish. Does anyone know some good loactaion where im guaranteed an ok catch I will be taking my young son so would like somewhere safeish ie not to deep and easy to walk through/floor no rock debris etc. Ie also heard great lakes way can be pretty good also.Looking for some help/advice/tips. Its been about 10 years since ive been so im going shoping for equipment tommorow. Wouldnt mind going to an area where there will be other prawners unless someone has any secret spots they would like to message me. 



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Swansea channel is more suited to scooping from a boat as you can anchor on current lines and upwellings to advantage..the entrance would be the choice for wading and scooping...there is large areas of shallow flats accessible from the southern side near the bridge at the moment..my advice would be to check during daylight hours for where you want to wade in the dark...if your worried about kids safety have them wear a pfd in case they lose their footing..wetsuits are preferable to waders as they fill with water and are dangerous if you take a tumble..two men drowned there last year wearing waders..but neither could swim and they chanced deeper water...hope you have some success..rick

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Cheers Rick 


So it looks like the entrance. I was going to put floaties on my son but I might check out lifejackets also probably a bit safer. Are the drag nets a one man or two man iperation can you point me to any vidoes of someone using them so I can check that out. 



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they are normally a 20ft drag net..two man operation..you hold bottom rope on bottom with your foot and drag the net along for a hundred or more mtrs..sometimes less depending on spot..they also need to be licensed by fisheries..a one time payment licenses the net for life...rick

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