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Glebe / Rozelle


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Hi kids - been a while i'm sorry and really nothing much to report. Spend most of my spare time surfing now that i moved to Bronte. BUT even that is limited given i'm working full time (which idiot thought that up!)

Anyway my GF (i've upgraded!!) has moved to Glebe so we went for a walk down the bottom of Glebe Pt rd and there's a lot of murky looking water. Just wondering how you bream dude go down that way.

I'd fish at bronte but the SP options are kinda limited round there...

Also i'm after a new bream rod to go with my spankin reel - would like about 6.5 to 7 ft (second hand) any offers?

Cheers folks


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Hiya PW: I fit my fishing round my surfing (or is it the other way round?) too. Anyway, you can fish SPs round rocks; I've been doing it on dead flat days for a while now and if I can score some decent fish from where I go (live at DY) then I reckon ANY rocks should have a fish or two. I've been spinning plastics into absolutely flat, often very clear, water about 2-5metres deep, over big weed beds with mixed boulders. Looks like crap but have scored trevally, bream, rat kings to 70cms, sambos and even Samson Fish (and 10 million pike). Great fun when the surf's a foot and infested with mal riders!! A handful of chopped pillies sometimes helps to kickstart the action. I use my 1500 size reel but on a very light 8ft rod, but on dead flat days a normal 7ft "bream" spinning rod still works. Reckon you should give it a go!! Cheers bombie

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good question PW,

Living in annandale i too would be interested to see if people have tried the area. Walking over the stormwater drains/canals at Jubilee park very large mullet and some cockney bream are easily visible. Have spent an afternoon or two at the park with missus but spent most of the time watching the water for bream cruising the rocks in the arvo. I seem to remember a post awhile back about whether its legal to fish in Blackwattle bay. Not that i am too crash hot on the idea of eating fish outa there but would def be a fun easy spot to fish.

Any ideas fellas?

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Jubilee Park has a storm water drain with a big garbage net ive heard of guys livebaiting there with poddy mullet ang getting taken through the nets by big fish. Im not sure but if theres lights there who knows there may be jewies. One things for sure i wouldnt be packing my bream gear something that can put the breaks on a decent fish in an area less than the size of a tennis court would be good it would be awsome fun trying anyway.

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Sharky i know that area well and is well and truely swarming with mullet. Would be a good place to pick up some good mullet baits. I was thinking it would be a good spot for sharks with plenty of food and minimal tidal movement. Would be an easy night fish there, would just have to look out for the few morons in the area that enjoy giving people a hard time.

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I've had some luck round near the fishmarkets adn also up near the Rowing Club - where the boathouse restaruent is. Small bream but legal, whiting and flatty -- i wouldn't eat them. Then again i don't eat fish (well only sometimes)

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Jubilee Park has a storm water drain with a big garbage net ive heard of guys livebaiting there with poddy mullet ang getting taken through the nets by big fish. Im not sure but if theres lights there who knows there may be jewies. One things for sure i wouldnt be packing my bream gear something that can put the breaks on a decent fish in an area less than the size of a tennis court would be good it would be awsome fun trying anyway.

My brother saw a shark there last summer. I know a guy i did my coxswains with who works on the fuel barges down there. He showed me photos of bream that they had pulled out from underneath the barges and they were huge. He said they loved bread. As for jewies. I have heard from 2 sources that both work on tuna boats. ( diferent guys that dont know each other) that huge jewies live in that bay. I have done a bit of sounding through there and it is as flat as a tak. I am thinking of going night trolling through the bay on dark nights with super shad raps and ther big jew hard bodys. When harold park is racing there are these great orange lights that shine into the bay. I had planeed to do this last year but just forgot I guess.

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Thats good to know i dont see why a big jewie wouldnt be in that bay as the bigger they get the lazyer they get. At least theres not too many places that a big jew can bust you off on. It would definately be worth a try PM me if you want some company hunting the monster. :thumbup:

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