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G'day people of fishraider tried to go fishing off Bellambi Wednesday 12th just gone strong N/E blowing 1 boat went out we turned around & went home.

While we were leaving the boat ramp looked like the guy was returning to the ramp.

Anyway will be trying next Tuesday 18th so if anyone has any reports for this area it would be greatly appreciated.

We have been trying to get out for 2 months illness,  weather & work have been a major hinderance anyway enough crying if someone can help with info thanks.



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  • 6 months later...

G'day people of fishraider long time no speak only because o've had nothing to say or report. This fishing season has been terrible anyway my mate & I are going to greenwell point next week Sunday 7th for 3 days has anyone got any good news reports on the fishing down that way. We are thinking we might get out to the banks at some stage depending on the currents out there. Some news would be appreciated good or bad.





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2 hours ago, indepth said:

G'day people of fishraider long time no speak only because o've had nothing to say or report. This fishing season has been terrible anyway my mate & I are going to greenwell point next week Sunday 7th for 3 days has anyone got any good news reports on the fishing down that way. We are thinking we might get out to the banks at some stage depending on the currents out there. Some news would be appreciated good or bad.





My mate ralph has been fishing ththe area almost weekly in the 30-40m depth line and getting some really nice snapper. They seem to be on the chew early. Fresh squid and soft plastics doing the damage

And btw.........afternoon is best there hours before sundown


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