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First Kingy


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G'day Raiders,

just got back from a 6hr fishing session on Pittwater and i'm glad to report that even a amatuer like me can catch a kingfish. Headed out from Bayview at 6am and headed to Scotland Island armed with an array of Squid jigs. stopped up close to some of the private wharfs and proceeded to cast a pink/red 1.8gm jig around. In the space of 15mins i had caught 3 squid and dropped another 2.

Trolled through the moorings off Clareville for no success then down to Careel Bay for again nothing. Headed over to Mackerell for a SP flick for again nothing. Stuffed around for a while thinking that these Pittwater kings fall into the same category as the Hairtail, elusive and myth.

Wind started to pick up so I decided to head back. Trolled again through the Clareville moorings and just as i was ready to pack up noticed a bit of activity on the sounder, lots of baitfish and lots of arches. Trolled for another 50m out into the channel when zzzzzzzzzzzzz the reel goes off. After a short tussle a 50cm Kingy comes on board, my first kingy. :yahoo: )one quick photo from the phone and back into the water. Trolled another squid around, had a hit but failed to hook up. Feeling excited and relieved headed back home.

For those who are still waiting to catch their first kingy, keep at it, it's taken me over a year to catch one but a bit of perservence and research i think i'm onto them. Now for my first legal.




Edited by blackant
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Guest lbgking

Good onya mate!!!!!!!!! :1clap: :1clap: :1clap: :1clap:

I remember my first kng. We measured it 15 times and still couldn't stretch it to the legl limit. Now you have the bug keep going. The first landed willl always be remembered.

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Funny how things seem to happen just as your about to give up. Happened to me last week also, just about to give up and came across a school of kingies. Landed 4 but they were all under sized and released. How long would it take for a 55cm king to become a 60cm king, anyone know how fast these fish grow??

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Good effort considering a couple of pro haulers in long punts wiped out the local Kingy popluation in the blink of an eye last week in Pittwater. The report is that only a few rats following bait schools remain, we can only hope another migration move in. :ranting2:

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