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Unusual catch


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Sunday arvo 'she who must be obeyed' decided that she and number 1 son wanted to go for a bike ride around Narabeen Lake. So I said sounds good I'll come too. I loaded their bikes on the bike rack and threw a rod and a couple of soft plastics in the back of the car for me... Come on did anyone really think I was going for a bike ride. ๐Ÿ™‚

I have never caught anything there but it was a lovely day so I started chucking around a 2' grub on a real light outfit. After a few dozen casts I got a hit, much to my surprise, and came up tight on something that had a bit of pull. It was even splashing on the surface.. After a short fight I landed a 40+cm MULLET... The only time I have ever caught Mullet is with bread on small hooks under a float, yet this one had smashed the little SP....ย 
That was it for catching but still headed home with a smile on my face after what I considered to be a quite unusual catch.

Tight lines all

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Hi Gordo;

You will pick up almost anything in the Lake this time of year.

Will bet that your S/P was a shrimp like pattern.

With this hot weather around at present the Lake is full of them.

All good tucker to all residents.

Would be a good story on the first run.

Was itย  a yellow eye (sand) mullet?

ordinary mullet (bully) will also take shrimps under some conditions.

Like at present.

Interesting catch though.

Go for a return match!!:lol:\




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8 minutes ago, Oldfella said:

Hi Gordo;

You will pick up almost anything in the Lake this time of year.

Will bet that your S/P was a shrimp like pattern.

With this hot weather around at present the Lake is full of them.

All good tucker to all residents.

Would be a good story on the first run.

Was itย  a yellow eye (sand) mullet?

ordinary mullet (bully) will also take shrimps under some conditions.

Like at present.

Interesting catch though.

Go for a return match!!:lol:\




The SP was a 'grub' about 1 inch long with a tail. 1/2 the tail broke off later. Picture below. I bought a pack of them about 10 years ago and that was the last one . I don't use SP's a lot.....
Not an expert on Mullet so not sure which flavor ๐Ÿ™‚


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