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Burrill Lake


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Hey all, I'm contemplating 3 or 4 days at Burrill Lake next weekend and was hoping someone (a local possibly) may be able to answer a few questions I have.

Planning on taking my 4 mtr tinny and wondering what the water conditions are in the lake following the fires and rain? Is there much debris, water muddy and how much fresh is in it?

And of course, whats the fishing like?

Thanks in anticipation


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Hi Dave. I just rang a mate on your behalf who lives at Ulladulla and he informs me that he won't be going anywhere near the lake for at least another week. Sorry if this is not the news you want to hear.

Perhaps by next week end when you intend to go may be OK by then.

Let us know what happens.


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2 hours ago, frankS said:

Hi Dave. I just rang a mate on your behalf who lives at Ulladulla and he informs me that he won't be going anywhere near the lake for at least another week. Sorry if this is not the news you want to hear.

Perhaps by next week end when you intend to go may be OK by then.

Let us know what happens.


Thank you so much frank for doing that on my behalf, its very much appreciated. Unfortunately its probably what I expected down there. I'll review it again late next week maybe. I had planned originally on fishing the Clyde River, but apparently that is muddy, full of sticks & logs and heaps of fresh coming down. Can't say its a bad thing for the rivers and the country, but just hanging to get the boat in somewhere.....guess I'll have to wait a few more weeks hey.

thanks again for your kind gesture Frank



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