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My Christmas Present


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Went fishing this morning with my girlfriend. Started at a late 8am, we went far out to clifton gardens then to north head and stopped over at a small bay to have some lunch. I was particulary searching for some surface activity... but didn't see any.

On the way back to H&C bay I saw a small surface activity with 2 birds hovering around the water, then I started casting my trusty 3" Pearl Watermelon. First few casts didn't catch me anything... then suddenly there's a hard jerk. WOoooo Hoooooo !!! My first thought it was a salmon... but after 2 minutes into the fight I know it's my favourite fish of all time mr.seriola lalandi. There was at least another kingfish following the one I hooked up. When the fish got close into the boat I realized that I only brought my small environet and my girlfriend have never net a fish before... luckily she didn't let the fish go.

The king measured 62cm, 3cm short from my PB but nevertheless it was my first king on lure.

Here's the pics



Merry Christmas raiders... and tight lines for this summer season.

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