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Mullet and Jellyfish spawning

Mike Sydney

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Early yesterday morning there were thousands of mullet in Leichhardt having a jolly good time. I’ve not seen that many fish at one time before. They were exhibiting two main behaviours ,firstly swimming in single file and then swimming in circles in groups of five, dropping big clouds of eggs in each other’s faces. 

A disgusting sight to be sure but I couldn’t look away. It was intriguing to me at least that they grouped in such specific numbers - while there were occasional groups of 3 or 4, the overwhelming majority were in circles of 5. Perhaps that number of mature mullet gives them the ideal diameter for their filthy circle!

The sheer number of eggs they would’ve deposited was mind blowing. The same fish were dropping loads a good once a minute (those were the days, huh?) and this was occurring the entire hour I was there. 

Just speculation but I reckon the mullet spawning put the bream off the chew. They wouldn’t express any interest or follow any lures I threw (plastics and hardbodies) at a place where they’re usually very aggressive takers. 

Later about 1030pm I was fishing Jones Bay from the Anzac bridge side by the marina and there were tens of thousands of moon jellyfish grouped in a 50m stretch near the waterside park. No visible activity - they were just floating - but an absolute monster congregation making what looked like a carpet on top of the water. 

Interesting timing given Sydney is about to have 10 days straight of storms and rain and both species appear to have made hay while the sun shines so to speak.

Edited by Mike Sydney
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Interesting post Mike. I can just imagine David Attenborough doing his usual commentary about mating animals🤣

It's good you notice this stuff. I've noticed over the years of fishing that I've been doing, the biggest improvements have come by improving my powers of observation.

I wonder if the big Jewies and other predators like sharks were capitalising on the distracted mullet as well. That might have had an effect on the bream bite.


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