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Botany Bay


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the wife and I hit the bay about 6am and were surprised by the lack of other boats on the water.

we headed up to molineaux point but couldnt get the anchor to hold in the stiff easterly that was blowing so we headed over to bare island and got a burley trail going.

over the next few hour we got all sorts of rubish (flowerpots, bakers, sweep etc.) then the small reds came in.

after throwing back countless undersize reds and with the wife having a nap in the cabin my 6kg outfit goes off on a blistering run. at first i thought kingie but then came those wonderful head shakes that announce a decent red.

after a fun fight i was a little disapointed to see the size of the fish, it put up a fight worthy of a fish larger than it's 41cm but it's a nice thick fish in excellent condition.

the real shock came when i saw how i had hooked him, he had previously been hooked on a much larger hook and my hook was firmly stuck through the eye of it . :1yikes:

a couple more models that went just undersize and we called it a day with the wife started to get a nice little sunburn going.

stopped at bias for a larger anchor and easylift bouy so i can hold bottom next trip and settling down for a beer and snapper dinner while i plan tomorrows trip (somehow i dont think the sunburnt one will be with me)

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good one mate.

we opted out as i thought the wind would be up in the bay today. We ended up driving in to La parouse in the arvo for something to eat and a bit of a look around. There were heaps of divers around bare island, and heaps of land based fishos. No boats fishing moulinex or any where I could see actually

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