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Rushcutter's Bay/darling Point (19/01/06)


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Hi all

I'd just like to say thanks to all you guys for making this awesome site what it is. I've been on here for the past week and enjoyed reading all the stories and adviced offered here and decided to post after my first fishing event since being on this site.

Last night, I took my girlfriend out to Rushcutter's Bay/Darling Point for a bit of fishing. When we first got there, it was relatively quiet. One guy had landed himself a decent flathead (40cm) and only nibbles from baby fish. About 30 minutes later we had the place to ourselves as everyone left and things were still quiet.

About 30 minutes afterwards we had a good spell of bites but only landing juvenile snappers (about 15 all up) and having to throw them back in. It was pretty much dead for the rest of the night (except for the occasional juvie tailor and flathead) and we decided to call it quits after a bit of drizzle and having to get sleep for work the next morning.

Anyways we plan on heading up to Rose Bay & Nielsen Park sometime this weekend to try our luck as well as Narrabeen Lakes tonight after work :D



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Hi Paul and :1welcomeani: to the site

Sounds like you've hit the jackpot - a girlfriend who comes fishing with you!!

Out of interest - what bait/rigs were you using off Darling Point?

Also - if you're going to head up to Narra tonight I recommend you fish the beach, not the lake. As you will see from some of the other posts about Narra lake having just been opened (two days ago) the fishing on the beach at the opening should be spectacular for the next week or so. Just think of all the fish sitting in wait in the beach gutters for the food being flushed out of the lake!!

Would also be interested in any reports from Rose Bay. I may head there myself tonight to see if I can't tempt a Jewie or two.


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:1welcomeani: Paul, good to hear that you're enjoying the site.

That's not a bad report to kick off with. A shame that nothing bigger turned up for you, but that's the way it goes sometimes, and it sure beats those days when you get absolutely nothing (not even a bite).

Some advice that may help you in slow situations like that, is to use a berley of some description to bring the fish on. Not only will it turn the fish onto feeding mode, but being land based, it will also draw them in to your location.

On the odd occasions that I do use bait, berley is always used as well. My berley's usually consist of chook pellets, a can of cheap cat food, and a bit of tuna oil all mixed together. If I don't have any chook pellets, then I use mashed up bread, mix the bread with a bit of water and mash it up with a fork, then add the cat food and tuna oil. I use a small ice cream container to store it in, with an old dessert spoon to dish out the berley.

When you get to your spot, start putting a bit of berley in here and there. Don't put too much in at once, and make sure you put small amounts in at regular intervals to draw the fish in and keep them interested.

I have heard of plenty of other berley recipes, so some of our fellow Raiders might chip in with their favourite berley mix. :thumbup:

Good luck with the fishing over the weekend mate. Looking forward to reading your report next week. :biggrin2:



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Thanks for the welcome guys :D

Out of interest - what bait/rigs were you using off Darling Point?

Started with prawns and caught the snapper, when we landed the juvie tailor and flathead I'd switched to pilchards.

As for the girlfriend into fishing, her parents didn't let her go when she was younger, look at her now, what a rebel? :mad3:

Also - if you're going to head up to Narra tonight I recommend you fish the beach, not the lake

I may even switch locations tonight and save Narrabeen for tomorrow. Don't really have much experience in beach fishing so I'll check out what the other guys are doing when I get out there and see if I can get a few pointers :D



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