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1st Kingy For Me...


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G'day all

Well I've snagged myself some ok Kingies today, have had them caught on my boat before but never caught one myself. After all the hype I headed out this morning at very reasonable hour of 7am and headed towards the Wedding Cakes - east and west then to the channel marker near the Quarantine - gee was it busy out there. Nothing was happening as far as I could see around these spots, I had a go near Quarantine with no results. Headed out to Blue Fish point which was pretty bumpy and watched a guy next to me pull in a nice 60cm'ish kingy then he left soon afterwards. This was around 9am'ish. I hung around using fresh bought squid, not caught, but not baitshop and hung the bait about 10 or 20 feet off the bottom, just off Blue Fish Point and what do you know....60cm Kingies... caught 3, what a fight for a small fish - awesome awesome fun. Also dropped about 4 or 5 between 2 of us. I had braid on 2 rods and I gotta say, for Kingies, I reckon Braid's a must..

Well fresh Sashimi Kingy for entree tonight followed by Kingy fillets on the BBQ for maincourse was truly outstanding... yum yum yum.... all gone now and well worth the effort.

Good luck to all the kingy chasers - I'm a definite convert and I'm pleased that bought fresh whole squid worked a treat rather than having to go the squid finding and catching fun...


Edited by Evanwz
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Congrats on the kingies!

I still have yet to conquer a kingy (did that make sense?)

Does squid have to be fresh/live for kingies?


That was my first attempt at Kingies this season - l've trolled livies and lures before, around places like West Head and Barrenjoey Head before (in Broken Bay) but never in the harbour. I looked at the Wedding Cakes, where all the action has been all week but it looked too quiet and I just headed to Bluefish Pt just north of Nth Head. I fished about 50m or so from the very point at Bluefish, bought squid, not services station but not fresh caught and used a Paternoster rig of sorts. Dropped the bait to the bottom, around 50 to 60 feet of water, then reeled it up maybe 5 or 6 turns then left it dangling. Bambo... off it went and the fight was fantastic as these weren't big fish -just legal!.

It may have been just beginners luck, I'll let you know after I try again this Thursday and the weekend - I'll try the same recipe as it worked once but I'll give the Wedding Cakes a go as well.

Give it a try and if you want any more detailed advice I'm happy to email you. I'm hooked on these babies and I learned from a very well respected fishing guide on the weekend that the Harbour has been producing up to 18 or 20 keeper kingies in a day for a team on a boat with some up around the 80cm mark - that means boats are catching 20 or 30 in a day at the moment.....gotta maximise these times when they happen. Next the dollies will be going mad as the water hits 24 deg C

Bring it on!


Edited by Evanwz
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