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Squid In Apple Tree Bay


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Went down to ATB yesterday evening after work around 5:30. Started off chucking some metals, but no signs of any tailor or the like. Didn't see any bait fish either...

Decided to put on a squid jig and try for a squid. Since I am a total novice to squidding, didn't think I would catch anything, but after a few casts over the weed beds (around 6:00 with heavy cloud cover) picked up my first squid, and the second followed on the next cast. Really surprised at how easy it was! Not having handled squid before, got a faceful of salt water, luckily it had inked itself out!

Anyway, now have a couple of squid baits. Thought about sending one out at Bobbin head, heard there are some jew there, but it started raining... Next time I guess.

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I normally get them up there in good quantities in Nov/Dec.. but haven't done so well there the last two months.

and as you found out, when you get one, cast back to the same place or look for the followers.. We keep another rod always handy and any deckies will cast it out behind the squid that we are bringing in and normally get the hit

I find the little pink yo-zourie's, brought in really slow (and allowded to drop every now and then) are gold..

but there's always the dilema... Bait or dinner???!!!!

Good work!!

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