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Outboard engines for sale


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Hi all below is a list of outboard engines I have for sale with condition and asking price contact me if any interest you.

1: Johnson 40hp 20inch shaft electric start forward controls and loom with guages has electric trim and tilt in good working condition 10 months since started approx 1997-2000 2 stroke


2: 50hp Johnson 20 inch shaft approx 1997-2000 model seized engine good for spares already some parts missing like trim motor. has forward control and cables.$500.00 or will throw in with above engine if full price paid for above.

3: 30hp Yamaha 2 stroke electric start, can't find forward controls. 2 years since started as needed fuel pump since purchased new fuel pump but haven't fitted . $750.00

4: Mercury 9.9 2 stroke 8 months since started but ran well last time it was run tiller $400.00

5: Mercury 25hp spares only been sitting here for approx 5 years without starting. $100.00

6: Johnson 15hp 2 stroke approx 1995 model was running great last time I had it on a boat about 5 years without starting $750.00 .

7: Motorguide bow mount electric motor think it's 55lb it is 12 volt with foot control and quick release bracket. I will throw a 105 amp hour battery in with it but it's been sitting for about 2 years without charge so it's touch and go if it will take charge or not .motor ran well when last used. $300.00

All the motors are bought as seen and inspected and I have been as honest as can be with discription, for further info PM me here .

And if anyone wants to see the garage full of other stuff I have call me to come and have a look. Heaps of rods reels lures and other fishing related items.


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