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Boat licenses & Fishing Licenses.

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The Premier was on radio 2GB this morning defending the rise in prices of Licenses.

The Premier was accused of trying to prop up the budget.

The Premier said all money from Licenses goes to Waterways.

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How the revenue is spent is anyone’s guess, I’m pretty sure some of it goes back into boating related infrastructure (like fishing licenses) No one likes price rises, especially ones that we have no real alternative, but…….in reality, the cost of your license is insignificant compared to your yearly boating expenses.

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Last time I renewed my NSW boating license I had to sit down when they told me how much it was!


For memory there was some sort of "rescue" levy which was just ridiculous.


For the guy who wants to just do some basic estuary fishing its a significant cost along with all the other associated cost that goes with it.


As the say you know what BOAT stands for right, even if its for inshore fishing .


Yeh yeh, Im sure someone will say well what if you need to be rescued, there's your levy at work.

Well how about the people that get themselves into the @#$% pay for their own rescue & the other 99.9% of people pay a realistic licensing fee 🤨

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The whole license thing in NSW is sqewiff- you can ride a bicycle on a public rd with no license , no insurance and no registration . 
You can do the same on the water with a kayak , rowboat or motorboat that is under 5.5m and under 4kw motor for rego and under 4.5kw for a  licence . 
PWC users cop a kick in the teeth because of the clown factor and us boaties get cheaper licenses than them even though we also have some clowns out there as well . 
If you are using a public road then you should be expected to know the road rules - pass a knowledge test and pay for a licence . Same goes for the waterways - you should have to at least pass a knowledge test and pay for a license. User pays means all users ! 
I genuinely do feel sorry for the fishos who fish off a pwc! They are not doing anything different to a person in a boat but get slugged more . 
The current government has it in for fishos and boaties - nothing surer. 
Rego and fishing license fees will be next ! 

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