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XD351 last won the day on June 15

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  1. The only consistent catches of bream I have seen in the last month or two are from shroom fishing at night with bait . I always thought of march , April and may as the best time for big bream in Sydney.
  2. G’day Raiders, I went to Rydalmere yesterday (25/7) and morts bay today for a look and a quick flick . The upper parra has cleared up a little since I was there last but there were literally no signs of life - iirc I spotted one toad and that looked nearly dead , driving over silverwater bridge today I noticed that the storm that blew through last night has turned the river to coffee looking water again . Morts bay is clear water but not much doing in the way of fish that wanted to play . I spotted a couple of decent luderick and one just legal whiting but they were shut down . Just before leaving my mate got a small flounder on prawn so not a donut day for him , I seemed to have turned into the donut king 😭😭😭 There was a small amount of cabbage weed on the ferry wharf so maybe these back bays haven’t copped the fresh water as bad so if you are hunting weed maybe focus on these areas ? Just thought I would post this in case anyone was wondering about these locations. Bring on spring please🙏🙏🙏
  3. According to the same page DLX = 2 piece .
  4. Had a look on the snyderglas group and A.W.B is according to someone on there all wooden butt.
  5. Generally in the rivers the hairy stuff seemed to work better ( for me anyway) and closer to the ocean cabbage always seemed better . Sometimes they want the black weed I have found that sometimes it is the fine hairy stuff and others it is a much coarser weed they go for - different systems , different weed , different tides are all part of the puzzle inside of the puzzle that is luderick fishing - you just got to experiment and keep trying . You could try the spots below for weed - no guarantees of any being there .
  6. Yep if it’s not raining it’s windy - just can’t win !
  7. There are a couple of factors at play , salinity and turbidity. The salt water weed doesn’t like lots of fresh water which floats on top of salt water in a flood situation, the weed ( which is really an algae ) needs UV light to grow so murky water and the sun being lower in the sky in winter will slow it’s growth down. Look up Ulva intestinalis or Ulva lactuca on the interwebby and you can dive into the fascinating world of green algae ! Still haven’t got around to the home grown stuff ! Still waiting for the fresh water to dissipate so I can get some decent salt water that has some algae in it to seed the tank .
  8. Still got a good feed ! I’m stinging for a fishing trip- hopefully in the next few weeks I will get out !
  9. Only thing I can add is if you’re going to heat it you need to heat it enough to keep the temp above the dew point. If you let anything metal drop below the dew point then heat the air around it you will get condensation when this warm air makes contact with the cold surface . Either that or use a dehumidifier like I do .
  10. You might be fishing too far out and or too deep . The sinker isn’t there to take your bait to the bottom or for casting weight it is there to help you stay in contact with your bait and to keep it below the surface . The pigs sit right in tight up under the white water looking for food that has been washed off the rocks . I have caught a few from south palm beach -not big but ok for a feed . I used bread for bait and berley as it was just easy . And I will have to put in my usual safety note / disclaimer, if you don’t know what areas and or conditions are safe - don’t go ! There is a well known guide on the northern beaches that specialises in rock fishing and if you want to learn how to fish the stones safely I highly recommend a trip or two with him .
  11. In this video shroom is fishing next to iron cove bridge , take a look at his channel as he does a lot of fishing in this area .
  12. Use pool salt - it’s the cheapest option - or whatever you have at hand , salt is salt - it is there to draw moisture out and that’s all .
  13. You can make what is in course fishing terms called a plummet , it is essentially just a small pyramid sinker with some cork glued to the bottom. Idea is to feed the hook through the eyelet on the sinker and then bury the point of the hook in the cork , dump the rig in the water and adjust the stopper until the float just stands up.
  14. Make sure the screen on the water pick up is clear also
  15. I found this on the Lowrance site not sure if it helps
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