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Harrington 25th - 27th


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Got back from our Harrington trip on Friday night, and I must say was a little dissapointing :(


Arrived in Harrington at about 3:30pm after a shocking drive from the Central Coast.. it pissed down all the way to Taree.

Unloaded our gear into the cabin, and set off to explore the breakwall for tomorrow mornings session. Was a little windy, but found some likely spots so headed back for a few :beersmile: and a quiet night.


Up early and headed out along the breakwall, the water was crystal clear and you could see hundreds of fish on both sides of the wall.. in the estuary side, whiting, blackfish and mullet were in plague proportions, and on the ocean side too many species to name were hunting the rocky edges.

After some advice from the local tackle shop, we let loose with some whitebait and mullet strips, and saw myself onto 2 decent bream, and then the tide changed and my god that current running out gets strong. I have to say I went thorugh ALOT of gear as the snags over that side of the wall are infuriating. My mates had no luck (except with snags :P), and things went quiet for me as well. So we headed further up the wall to flick some plastics over the estuary side, with no hookups.

Back for lunch and a few Aussie Day :beersmile: and then headed down for another :beersmile: at the pub. After that we walked over to the wall again and the current was charging again, so we decided to head back to the cabin for some more :beersmile: time and try for the high tide first thing in the morning. On the way back to the cabin, we spyed a boat ramp with some oyster racks or something within casting distance, but by this time the wind was howling so only a few quick flicks with some gulps with no hookups.


Early start on the wall but the tide was still racing in, so flicked the estuary side again for 4 small tailor and little else. Back to the ocean side, and another legal bream, but he jumped hook, and landed DEEP in the rocks, and I couldn't retrieve him :mad3: . So other than multiple snags and heart stopping bumps on the bait, the fishing was very quiet.

After that we decided we had had enough so headed back to pack and go home.

Next time I will take a boat, as the river system up there looks very promising. Also may take my black fish rigs, and you could have fed an army on the amount that where thier.

Better luck next time I hope.



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