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Does it get any better ?


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My son and his wife and kids had a “sleepover” last night, had a Pork Roast on the Weber with all sorts of sides for dinner last night, just cooked them breakfast and he took his son Mullet fishing out the back. They caught decent sized Flat Tail (Sand Mullet) one after the other. Both of them had a great time, just bread for bait. I might take the fly rod out and get a few to eat.




Edited by noelm
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Yep, sure is, I took my fly rod down, caught a few in no time, then my son spied a couple of big Blackfish lurking under the bread burley, so the fly rod was confiscated and off he went. He is 6’5” and long legs, he was up to his knees, I have legs like a Corgi dog and my shorts were wet, and getting close to the “marble bag” so I went back for coffee. One of the joys of fishing on sand, kids can fool around when they get “bored” plus being just over the back fence, Nan and food/drink is close by……


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Round two……the ladies are up now, second lot of scrambled eggs and bacon, and my 7 year old grand daughter just heard about the fishing, so……dad and Papa had to take her, I reckon it would be hard to find a 7 year old that has salt water fly fished in pyjamas? They are still down there and she has caught one Mullet, going to tell my son to keep one for a photo.

edit, no more Mullet, but she had a great time.


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Sounds like great fun Noel. You mentioned you fished with bread. Assuming its white bread, do you thread it onto the hook (a plain bit without crust), or do you wet it and kneed it onto/around the hook. Does the bread float or slowly sink, I've been having trouble trying to catch them even though I've been seeing 40-50cm ones coming through and even at the sandflats constantly jumping and swarming. Any tips on how i can grab a few for jewy baits would be fantastic.

Thanks, Peter.

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Just plain old white sliced, for burley I wet it so it doesn’t float (floating attracts Seagulls) and just the middle of the bread, dry, squashed around the hook, casts easy and sinks, fly fishing I just use a bread fly. Some of the Mullet were good size, got a keeper Bream too, but all released, sadly before photos……it’s easy fishing and available to anyone who cares to find a suitable sand flat, most of the bigger Mullet were right on the channel edge, probably waiting for a bit more tide before foraging up on the flat.

edit……big Bully Mullet are difficult to catch, but poddies are easy with a trap, bigger Flat tails respond well to bread and a tiny hook,  very simple to catch, and good fun and reasonable eating.

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Thanks Noel, I assume no sinker? What pound leader do you use for mullet? A size 10 blackfish hook okay? I think it is likely most of the mullet are bully mullet. There are some poddies but they have been scarce in my area as of recent. Thanks for the tips,  Ill have to give it a crack soon. 


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Just any small hook, they have a tiny mouth. The line I use is probably around 3KG? It’s just what was on the first rod I picked up, the fly leader is much lighter, maybe 2kg-ish. It’s just warming up, so poddies should get more common now. There was dozens around this morning, but they were scarce about three weeks ago, everything is “on the change” the weather, water temp was “pleasant” today, a couple of weeks ago it was like ice.

edit……no sinker

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Thanks Noel, lots of great info there, everything certainly is on the change, for the first time in a while, Ive been able to fish before sunrise in shorts and t shirts, even wading the sand flats, temp is getting real nice!

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