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Two Finn`s On The Road In Oz


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Hi there!

I think about write little story about our Australian "tournee". What we saw and what we did feel, and how we saw different things.

We landing to Sydney Airport 30.01.2009. First idea when we landing was,"finally here" because we had planning that trip about 2 years. Second notion was "do it drive to Sydney center", because we drive over higway before we came terminal. Then in terminal, double passport security of course, because our family name is Räsänen, and immigration computer cant read Ä-letter. Saija was little nervous, because we did watching "australian border" on TV in home, and she did sure that now we have to wait many hours, i did sure that problem was that letter our name, it was not firs time. After passport control was custom control, and of course double check, because i did had knife for Stewy 50 birthays and they want check that. Anyway everythings going very smoothly and nice and we came in terminal. There Stewy and Donna welcoming us to Australia. We did drive their home, and i remember all my life my first feeling out said from terminal: really nice feeling, lively and really relaxing feeling even we did`nt saw before that peoples face to face, and that weather was so nice that late afternoon.( I honestly almost crying when i do write this, so much i missing back to there.) And of course, 10 minutes after we was put our "swags" in guest room, i find my self and everybody else in Stewy`s garage, looking hi`s fishing stuff`s, and there we was to almost midnight before we did start sleep. First night i did saw strange dream. "I did saw that we drink 2 breezer with Stewy, then both step over funnel web and get poison, then kangaroo scratch Stewy balls and he start bleeding. We did wobble to street asking help, and police car came and get we to jail". Then i did wake up, huh huh what a dream. when i did wake up early with Stewy we did looking parrots, i did not saw before wild parrots. In evening we did meet Lyn and Geoff, and barbique with them in Stewy and Donna backyard. Day before Marlin trip we did drive sightseeing around Sydney beach and views. I have to told, that we visit on Botany Bay, and there was first finnish people in Australia in Thomas Coock ship. Hi`s name was Herman Dietrich Spöring and hi was assistant for Daniel Solander and Joseph Banks. Anyway Botany Bay is weeery beautiful place, and next time i have to swimming and fishing there and drink couple ice cold Jack ´Daniels cola.

Botany Bay


Next 4 days we was in Port Stephens marling fishin and meet many nice fishraiders and saw local lifestyle. I really did like that system that every evening we meet in pub, eat there together and drink few drinks and talking fishing lies. That trip i did not get marlin, but i did get king fishes, and dorados what i did was dreaming 15 years, and i get Ross Hunter "sea"countrey CD`s. Best thing what i did get that trip was new experience, and new really nice frend`s, thanks for that.

Btw. OutdoorDan, have you been visit Mr. Stevy and Hi`s wife ;)

After Port Stephens we did came back to Sydney and spend 5 days in Stewy and Donna guest`s, again. Was really hot few day`s over +40`C, cant do nothing. Stewy and Donna bring us to V.I.P movies, what was really new and nice experience. One day we visit with Saija in Sydney Zoo, and we was lucky about weather, only +22`c and little cloudy, all animals was outside. Next day we did leave fishing Breams with Stewy to river. We casting maby 15min, and Stewy told that if i get fish before him, we did go back to home, next cast (pink Smiling Jack) i get my firs Bream, but we did not leave back. I get that day ~6 bream, biggest 30cm, Stewy get ~12 bream`s. It was firs time that i saw river going INLAND??

Next day 11.2.2009 we did rent budget campervan, and start trip to up on coast. Use 1h 30min before we get out from Sydney. Terrible traffic, wrong side to me an manual gears, and tunnel pay line`s. Absolut terrible start and after that case`s did not get end, if i write everything all year not enough.

First we drive to Forsters, nice small town was first idea. We did visit tackle shop and get a place Forsters beach caravan camping. Next morning we did meet Roberta, raining, and agree fishing meet to next day. Next morning Roberta pick me up and we did go shore fishing, Saija did stay rest for sick knee. We did fishing on Great lakes, really beautiful clear water, i get few bream`s and Roberta get couple flatheds, and i saw that fish first time. Next day we had plan go fishing, but was so heavy rain that we did`nt go. Evening we was visit and eat Roberta and Keith home. Saw forecast there, and think that we leave more North. So next morning we did leave to North and drive 6 hours under heavy rain. We continue drive after rain stop 2 more hours, and stop sunny Tweed heads. Get a place from billabong camping and drive buy baits to town. I cast once from pier and start moving my bait, soon i did saw that some dog eat my bait fish bag but it was too late. It was allready eat EVERY my baits!! So we did leave back to camping area. Next day 16.2.2009 was sunny and we did leave visit in Surfer Paradise. First we meet SlinkyMalinky,(thanks for lures) and then we drive to beach. Walking around and visit in big shopping center and eat well. Evening we did drive back to camping area, and i think that i fishing on camping area small lake. Just when my lures and ewerything was ready and i was on shore, start raining, i did goin`g sleep.

17.2.2009 we did drive to Murwillumbah meet Grant and Dan. We spend time firs in center and i fishing little on pier, we saw maby world most beautiful public toilet there. Afternoon we met Grant and Dan, and drive visit Grant home meet him family. First we of course fishing little, but not so good eating time. Evening eat nice BBQ meal and we talk late evening. Next day was plan go to bass fishing, but raining, and forecast promise rain for many days, so we did leave back to Forsters where was nice weather. River and great lakes was not so clear anymore, for raining ,water was change very mud colour.. evening we walking canal shore and saw somebody fishing and hooked Stingray. We did saw that maby 1m wide stingray, but line broken 1m before shore, fisherman says BAgabagabaga. Next day we did was fishing with Roberta and kayaks`, first time yaks fishing to me an really nice fishing style. Saija was also on shore rest and reading. I get my firs flatheads, i get 3 of them, really nice day. Next day we was fishing with Roberta 8am to 2pm, not any fish`s, but day was nice. Saija was shopping that day.

After Forster 21.2.2009 we did drive to Nelson Bay, eating world best fish and ships, and shopping. Afternoon we did drive to Port Stephens, route to there we saw 2 WILD KOALA on tree, firs one and after 2km other one. Somebody said that we have been really goog luck, becouse we saw them. In Port Stephens we did eat in pub and drive back to Halifax camping. And we have only one dark picture other of them.

22..2.2009 we start drive to Penrith, Emu Plains camping area. Rest on pool and saw lot of flying fox`s. Next day we visit Sydney center by train. In center we walk around and visit Sydney Aquarium. I have visit many ZOO`s , AQUARIUM`s and that kind animal place`s and theme parks. And i have to say, Sydney Aquarium is best and most exiting place where i never have been, and where i ever come to be. One day we visit Blue Mountains and saw Blue Mountains document, interesting day.

25.2.2009 we refund campervan and tuck room from Parramatta city motel. Walking Parramatta shopping center and eat Turkis`h kebab in Pasha Baba restaurant, best kebab ever. Next day we took ride by river cat to center, walking around there. Evening we little shopping and i buy lot of lures to home.Next day we did visit IMAX 3D movie, dino movie, little scary.

28.2.2008 we did go to Stamford Plaza airport hotel. Last evening Stewy and Donna came meet us to hotel and we eat and talk last time before we leave to Thailand and home. We also taste couple of viski with Donna. Next day we only did go to airport and spend time to there before flight.

SUMMARY: Our trip on there was really GREAT. Some problems for weather and campervan but so long trip is it all times something small thing`s. We saw lot of local lifestyle, culture and meet many nice peoples. We did saw your beautiful nature and your fishing styles.

Things: You OZ people`s all how we did meet are really hospitable, courteous and friendly. We finnish are too hospitable and friendly, different way that you but anyway. But courteous we are not, maby it is not include our culture or something. Example`s: You ask how many spoon sugar i want my tea, here i saw you, that put your sugar your self.

There if you push to somebody in pub by accident you say "i am sorry" or something like that, we say "oops`" or maximum english"sorry" and everything is fine. If i say ,like you, sorry my own language, they think that i am some gay or asshole.

Then thing what Donna remind me many times. You say there in restaurant "I would like take this", and i did say alltime "I take this". We speak here like that alltime, and i have to say that sometimes i did feel my self idiot in there, because peoples, not understand some times that i don´t meen any bad.

Some things we and you have very similar: You are proud your our country, good way and you still remember that live is it outsaid on Australia too. You allso are patriotic good way and not "over patriotic". That i like really much about you and that thing`s is very similar you and us.

Thanks for everybody how we meet, but "extra special" thanks to Stewy and Donna how did give us room for almost 2 weeks and more if we did want, for hospitableness and EWERYTHING!!!

Top5 list from our trip in Australia:

1)Peoples and lifestyle

-Nature and fishing possibilities

-Forster and Great lakes

-Sydney Aquarium


More pictures

Port Stephens Dollie dinner


Pb Bream


Dog eat baits in Tweed Heads


Murwillumbah toilet


Relaxing fishin on grant backyard with white wine glas


Fishing with roberta and kayaks in Forster


Sydney Aquarium/ Murray cod


Sydney Aquarium/yelly fish


Blue mountains/3 sisters


Last evening in Australia


Edited by JaniFIN
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What a fantastic report. Best I've read in a long time. It was great meeting you and Saija when you where here and I'm glad you had such a memorable time.

You're right that seeing a Koala in the wild is lucky... I've never seen one except in the zoo.

I think if I ever get to Finland, you'll find that your English is a lot better than my Finnish.

Best wishes to you and Saija.

Cheers, Slinky

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Hey Jani,

LOL!- I was using an online translator but guess it didn't work!.

Great read and photos. I hope you do move to Australia, because if I lived in sub Arctic region all my life I would definately want to change, but for me it is the other way around, I like the quiet, open tundra, no people and excellent fishing and hunting.

I would love to travel to Finland, Norway, Greenland and Sweden. My next travel destination is going to be either Russia/Mongolia. I want to see Siberia and the indiginous people there. A small airline company has flights from Alaska to Russia. The flyfishing in Mongolia and Siberia is supposed to be really good.

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You're right that seeing a Koala in the wild is lucky... I've never seen one except in the zoo.

Yep. First one we saw side on road, maby 4m high on tree. There was allready 8 peoples screeming and taking pictures, so we did `nt want disturb that animal anymore and we did`nt stop there. Other one we saw, because we did start lookikng trees after firs, that if wee see others. After couple of km, Saija sayd "hei there is koala". I did not saw firs, but then i find it, allmoste 15m high, and i did go in forrest take that picture.

This is that dark picture. Koala is middle on "tree fork"


I think if I ever get to Finland, you'll find that your English is a lot better than my Finnish.

I really hope so :biggrin2: . Not best grammar and some letters is wrong places, but i hope and belive that you understand.

Edited by JaniFIN
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Great report Jani. So glad you enjoyed our country and got to see many things that we who live here often don't get to see.

I must take you to task on one thing however: We don't "accidently" push someone into a pub. Its always done purposely :1prop: .

Hope you come back one time when the weather is more accommodating.

Two Blues.

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We don't "accidently" push someone into a pub. Its always done purposely :1prop: .

Hope you come back one time when the weather is more accommodating.

Two Blues.

:beersmile: .

But how i wrote, even did rain it was not so bad there, was still warm. Like here now, raining quite heavy, and be +2`C :frozen:

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How good is that!! One of the best stories I have read for ages. Aaaahh, the milk of human kindness. What does that say about Aussies in these days of global crap!

Here's a couple that travel from the opposite side of the globe and know half of us before they even get here.

Brings a tear to my eye as well.

Hey Stewy, I bet you never realised a few years ago that Fishraider would go international.

Mustn't be too long till you list the business on the Stock Exchange.

Great site, great people.


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Great read Jani.

It was terrific to meet you two & a real pleasure to have you stay with us.

I won't mention that it has hardly rained here for 3 months. :wacko:

The weather while you were driving up north was unbelievably wet! :1badmood:

Hopefully if you get back we can get you onto some more fish in better conditions.

Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed report.

I understood the whole story. :thumbup:

Cheers mate,


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Great read Jani.

It was terrific to meet you two & a real pleasure to have you stay with us.

I won't mention that it has hardly rained here for 3 months. :wacko:

The weather while you were driving up north was unbelievably wet! :1badmood:

Hopefully if you get back we can get you onto some more fish in better conditions.

Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed report.

Thanks for you self.

Rain did follow us, from Fizi to Thailand via OZ :05::biggrin2:

Next time we go to "red center" middle of the desert :sun: , hunting camels and fishing some desert fishes. Maby there is some oasis :1fishing1:

Now you everybody sayd that koala is very rare, littlebit irritate that we did not take more pictures of them.

Btw. When we did came to Sydney, my wife did ask: "What mean NSW Australia, is it mean NorthSouthWest Australia"? :mfr_lol:

Btw 2) If you want best of the world thicky shake, you have to go Forster shopping center drinking passion thicky shake :thumbup:

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Hi Jani & Saija - wow!! What a terrific trip report! I really enjoyed reading it - it was as if you were in our lounge, once again! It was great that you were able to catch up with a few Fishraiders along the way - our social network is terrific! Where ever you go, a Raider lives near by & is often keen to get you onto fish! :) You guys sure covered a lot of ground whilst you were here - it was terrific meeting up with you both, after 'chatting' for 2 years or more via Fishraider! That rain was a bit of a problem - it surely was following you there at one stage!

I was so pleased you caught some nice flathead whilst in Forster & thank God the weather was nicer on your return trip! You truly were lucky to see koalas in the wild - most Aussies probably haven't done that! I have only seen them in the wild a couple of times, myself!

We look forward to catching up next time you visit our shores! :biggrin2:



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