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Has Any One Heard Of The Paihia Bomb?


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:1fishing1: hi there every one I am going out on a boat for the first time in ages and longer than a day so I was told about a sea sickness tablet called the paihia bomb is it still available in new zealand and how can I get hold of it??
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Yeah Dons

They work a treat, never been out in such rough conditions as the time I fished out of Paihia, and didnt get at all sick, also didnt catch a bloody thing :(

Only available from the pharmacy in Paihia as bashir said, and only in single serve packs.


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  • 2 years later...

If anyone is looking for paihia bombs ring them or contact them direct and they will send them to you in Australia no problem. I just ordered 20 days worth for NZ$70 inc freight. A friend of mine highly reccomends them and I stumbled across this thread while looking for their details. I will try anything at least once to try not to get sick.

Paihia Pharmacy

2 Williams Road

Paihia, Northland 0200, New Zealand

0011 64 9 402 7034

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Hi Roberta

I normally only fish around Sydney. I wish I could fish for 20 days straight but with work that just wont happen for the next few years, but I thought I would stock up while ordering them in.



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Hi Pete .

As the importer you take responsibility for what comes in. If it is a product that is compounded by a pharmicist and not registered you might want to ne carefull with drug laws. Not sure what is in it but a lot of sea sickness have supressents in them therefore also need a pick me up like speed, amphetimine, caffine to keep you awake or alert.

Get them to include a declaration from the chemist and ingredients as customs are always on the look out for imported drugs. If they are good it would be interesting to know compounds and see what local chemist thinks.

Rules on ingregients are different over the counter in NZ as some drugs avalible there require prescription here and vice versa.

There was a Japanese one that is very good but is a narcotic and can't be imported.

Just worth being careful

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G'day Dons,

Definately recommend them! I used them when i chartered in NZ, and they were brilliant. And like Pete said, they are really good at sending them out to customers...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys

Recieved a little package in the mail today. My staff were giving it to me saying this is where customs comes racing in to do a raid on us and send you to jail :1yikes: . No problem bringing them in though (I had checked with a mate that works for customs) and they included all the relevant info including a list of ingredients for them inside the package. It had been opened and checked which I think is great that they pick up on the crap coming into the country.

All they have to do now is help keep my brecky down :biggrin2:



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You did the right thing getting all the paperwork. EVERY postal article that comes into Australia is sniffed by dogs and X Rayed !! ( Its where I work !) . Never try to beat the system , you will get caught !!


i work at the other end of the line and its amazing how many tablets etc come through the post, without proper packaging only to end up as a powder leaking out of an envelope. Security scares here we come

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