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Posts posted by diesel

  1. well done swordie, put in at nepean next time its full of idiots as well but the beuit thing about it is that they all go up stream becaue down river is 4 knots and the rowing club keep a close eye on it.And im pretty sure you could catch four bass in an hour.( dont hold me to that)

  2. So after my recent bass addiction and small adventures with scratchie and troutstalker, I decided to borrow my mates kayak (which i should have done along time ago) i think he has used it twice in two years.With work right on the river at the moment its hard watching the boats go up and down all day.

    So i left extra early for work saturday morning,With yak on the ute was down at the boat ramp by five am (nepean),Thinking i would be the only there i drove down to the waters edge,Boy was i wrong there were people putting boats in left right and center even blokes fishing off the jetty.

    Through in the yak and off i went with a small box of my favourite lurespost-10416-0-54688400-1389475273_thumb.jpg

    Wasn't long before i had my first bass from a yak only small but never the less,Now i'm used to fishing land based so this is all new to me its quite hard trying to reach for plier's and brag mats and cameras, gotta take my hat off to all you yaka's out there.Caught about a dozen small bass around the 20 to 30 cm mark,then made the switch to my fav lure at the momentpost-10416-0-52234500-1389476143_thumb.jpg

    Through it out and began the to retrieve WAK zzzzzzzz scared the crappers out of me,This thing was going hard and pulling the yak everywhere managed to pull it to the surface and i had my new pb bass im thinking at least 42 cm, scrabbling around for the camera and mat i lost here at the side.Tell you the truth it didn't really bother me now i know theres bass like that in there 5 min from the ramp.Fished for a bit after that for a couple more then looked at the time it was 6:30and i had to go to work time flies in the yak.

    Anyway the yak lives on my ute now and hope my mate dosen't want it back anytime soon. post-10416-0-91769700-1389476924_thumb.jpg

  3. hey dean nice boat by the way, i leave the dogs as is but only use the shollow divers they seem to pull through the weed better,have lost a few but due to snags not weed and at thirteen dollars a pop im a bit cauctious. most hits are as soon as they land so dragging them back is just a bouns.

    keen to also hit the bass at night heard they go off,also got a key to the gate at the ramp comes in handy if you dont wanna wait for council to open up

  4. Up at caloundra on holidays packed the rods any ideas would be good,

    Got the kids by the way but no mrs, she's got a store at the woodford festivel. Thx

  5. 6lb mono no leader only just starting to really get into bass fishing, find myself getting up two hrs earlier for work just to have a flick . Then you have the choice of lures really loving my poppers ATM , thinking maybe I've got a problem?, doesn't help when mates send you pics like this

    57 cm penrith weir (wow)



  6. Well done lads, I've been stopping of everyday after work for 30 min of flick time it becomes addictive managed one on a popper going 38 and the rest on fat dog shallow divers they ranged from 10 to 30 cm, not seeing much surface action ATM but it's awesome when they hit surface lures you sure know your on

  7. Kids were doing my head in so I grabbed chyna ( my seven year old daughter)and snuck down the nepean for a quick flick.Thought it was going to painfull but she can actually cast very well and only got stuck in the trees about twenty times.Parked near the bridges (emu side), no surface action but thought I'd put a popper on anyway,couple of casts in and got this nice bass,hit like a freight train and put up a good fight post-10416-0-70552700-1385790634_thumb.jpgpost-10416-0-91524700-1385790679_thumb.jpg

    Ended up going 38 cm not bad,

  8. Let's not forget about my new pluggers mr stalkerpost-10416-0-73382100-1385277186_thumb.jpg seemed like a good idea to wear my waders until the sun came out, man those things get hot so in between bites I looked through the the pile of flood junk in the back ground, found a thong amongst other things wasn't long before a found another different colour but I'm not racist

  9. Scratch you truly are the most dedicated fisho I've meet ,would off loved to see the WTF (winmalee tavern fishing club) faces if you landed that Jew, but it was good enough seeing bobs face when john told him that you had already weighed in at the ramp, he started to panic cause he thought he had won.And when your name got called as the overall winner he started abuseing john saying that they have changed the rules just for you, priceless ,you dead set deserved it to and let's not forget Brandon what a champ tough as nails don't know where he gets it from, well done boys top effort

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