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Posts posted by Joco

  1. THANKS guys.......

    Next time i will concentrate more on the bait ball...

    UMMMMM for some strange reason i did not measure or weigh the Gemfish.....

    It was way over 80cm for sure (taking a guess it was probably close to 1m mark)....

    I was too focused on filleting the Gemfish and throwing the carcas overboard, trying to catch that Mako shark......

    Next time!!!!!

    See you fellas on the water..... Anyone need an extra deck hand, more then happy to tag along, send me a PM.....

  2. @ Jewgaffer - Thanks for the reply and the invite.... By the sounds of it, i cannot refuse and would be more then happy to tag along.... SORRY to hear about your hip and the operations to take place.... I guess i can relate with my numerous knee operations.... BUT im sure the hip pain is much more severe.... I will send you a PM with my contact details...

    PS - Once again thank you and thank you to other members that replied... Hopefully i will get back to you with a nice photo or two :)

  3. THANKS fellas.....

    @ scaffsta - Lets hope it doesnt happen again :) Im going out again this Monday, fingeres crossed i pull in a monster OR even that shark that ate my big blue eye....

    @ fishbog - We trolled for a good 45min around the bait fish with no luck.... BLUE FIN SASHIMI, oh dont tell me, im salivating :) hope to catch one of those "one day".....

  4. Hi fellas,

    Well i been wanting to catch a Jew Fish for some time now, BUT unfortunately all my boat mates tend to fish for everything BUT Jew Fish...

    I can be a helping hand on the boat, got experience, got my own gear, happy to share the resources, just need someone to help me out....

    You never know i can become your next fishing buddy.....

    More then happy to tag along and share the costs (petrol, food, drinks etc)....

    I live in Liverpool and i am more then happy to drive to any location (Hawkesbury, The Entrance, Georges River etc).....

    Your name: Joey

    Your Location: Liverpool

    Fishing technique: Jewfish on plastics & hard bodies lures

    Availability: ALL day everyday :biggrin2: im serious..... :biggrin2:

    Preferred location: Hawkesbury River & Georges River

    Provide your own gear? Yes

    Provide your own boat? No

  5. WELL I grabbed the opportunity and was glad to tag along with a mate to do some deep sea fishing, as I have never done it before.... We were targeting Blue Eye and Gemfish….

    The boat ride which took approximately 30km offshore or 1.5hrs, was a bit painful on the legs and pretty wet due to the swell....

    On the way there I spotted out a good dozen birds, catapulting into the water like torpedos, snatching bait fish (slimy macharel)...

    My friend immediately threw x2 skirts and x2 deep divers to troll, hoping something would grab it....

    Passing the school of bait fish several times, we saw something chasing the fish BUT could not figure out what it was...

    Finally we managed to pin point that there was a group of seals chasing the bait fish.... Disappointed!!!!!

    As a result we packed up immediately and continued our journey to Browns....

    Upon arrival I was amazed to see 10+ boats floating in the middle of nowhere…

    My first drop I managed to land a wopper of a Blue Eye Cod, being at 75cm and around 5-6kg…. It was the biggest of the day….


    In total we picked up x6 Blue Eye Cod, x1 Gemfish & x1 shark in a matter of 4hrs….


    On one of the encounters we landed something huge and it was evident as the electric real was struggling and for the first time I saw the heavy duty rod flex properly a number of times…. After a good 10-15min of fighting with the fish, we only had 20m to go…. ALL of a sudden the rod bent so hard and next thing we heard the heavy duty mono line snap….

    I chucked a tantrum, as I wanted to see this big creature from the deep, and we spent the next 5min discussing what it could have been…. Short time later we found out what it was, as the boat was being circled by a huge 3-3.5m Maco shark (150kg as my friend said), even though, to me it looked like a Great White… BUT what would I know, he has more experience….

    As a result we quickly filleted the Gemfish, attached a mammoth hook with a trace and threw the carcass overboard anticipate a good fight to end the day… UNFORTUNATELLY we had no luck….

    Overall a fun, different, unusual day spent fishing with electric reels…. I must admit that fishing with eggbeaters is much more exciting…. BUT in the end we managed to score a GREAT feed….

    BOY the Blue Eye cod was tasty….

  6. THANK you everyone, i will be heading back to the same spot this weekend... Come and say hallo if your around the area...

    @ slinkymalinky - The trout definately did not go to waste :biggrin2::thumbup:


    @ Matt - Thanks for the info, much appreciated... Now i will look forward to hooking up a Salmon or two....

    @ cruisecraft - It looks bigger in the second picture, as it was gutted, and the camera was closer to the fish :thumbup:

  7. THANKS everyone, going next weekend as well..... :1fishing1:

    @MATT - The Rainbow Trout were solid, perfect size for smoking the fillets..... In regards to what the big fella hit (its actually in the first photo, if you look close enough B) MAPPS spinner which was a big surprise...

    The big brown did not go to waste, wacked him on the charcoal BBQ, will upload the photo soon...

    PS - I heard a rumour that at Lake Jinderbyne they have hatched and release loads and loads of Salmon (Atlantic Salmon)..... Is that TRUE?????

  8. Hello Raisers,

    My brother and i went over the weekend to Lake Jinderbyne.....

    Catching several Rainbow Trout above 40cm mark, my brothers persistancy paid off and managed to crack a new PB....

    Caught on a 4kg rod, 4lb braid with 6lb mono leader...

    I was just amazed how hard the Trout fought, by having several runs, jumping out of the water and missing all the dead tree logs, rocks, weed beds and shrubs where the line could have been cut.... It took a good 15 minutes to finally land the big brown in the net.... WOW, the biggest ive seen.....

    After a few snaps we put the Brown Trout in the catch bag, therefore to get some oxygen in its gills, recover and let him go, BUT to our surprise after 10-15min it died :(





  9. Thanks once again, ILL BE GOING TOMORROW MORNING DOING IT ALL AGAIN... :biggrin2: SORRY to rub it in, for those that are working tomorrow....

    Fingers crossed i break a few more PB's, and to catch another kingie would be great.... Very addictive on light gear....

    BTW - IF you fellas see a bloke with an ORANGE jacket, flicking plastics of a boat in Botany Bay, make sure you come and say hallo.....

    Have you ever thought that if you keep on doing so well on these artificials there's always the chance that you'll never catch anything whatsoever using bait :biggrin2:

    HAHAHAH so true, never though about it that way....

  10. Well done JOCOthumbup.gif

    What a great session and Congrats on the breaking the Kingy drought.

    Were the Bream and Trevs caught the same way?

    I'm trying try to get out next week sometime and have a crack.

    YES all the fish were caught the came way....

    When you go, let me know and ill tag along :)

  11. Thanks for the posts, hopefully ill be landing some legal kingies soon as my mate and i are buying/researching/setting up NEW equipment for jigging king fish of the reefs outside of Botany Bay (unless someone has secret spots they would like to share).....

    @ beginner - Like you mentioned patience was the key to pull the kingie out with the 4 lb mono....

    @ Big_Muskellunge - YES its a rain jacket and i got it from my dad, who gets it from work.... Many have asked me to get then the same jacket!!!! Dont know what all the fuss is about..... Its a pretty funky jacket i must say, that can be dismantelled in 3 pieces.... A vest jacket, then you can zip/attach long sleaves, and in addition a water/wind proof material linning that goes over the jacket (which is that orange thingy in the photo).....

    @ bluebottle18 - Call me next time and ill show you ;)

    BTW - If anyone is going out for a fish and needs company or a hand, let me know.... More then happy to join ANY day of the week....

  12. Hello raiders....

    This morning, for those that reside in Sydney, will know that there was plenty of rain throughout the day.... :1badmood::ranting2:

    Rain, hail or shine, my friend and I are keen for a fish and don’t allow the weather to scare us.... :biggrin2:

    Using my usual setup (2-4kg rod, 4 lb MONO line, small eggbeater, 3g jig head, plastics) we started landing the usual suspects....

    All of a sudden, I was on and I knew it was something solid... :thumbup:

    The first run said it all, followed by another good dozen runs, I started to lost plenty of line....

    Obviously at this stage i started to worry and questioned myself "will i ever pull this thing out of the water and will it cut through my 4lb line???"....

    I managed to avoid being spulled, and the small reel was working overtime and was screaming like hell.....

    Thinking it would tire after 10min i tightened the reel and started to pull the brick towards me...

    Felt like dead weight, especially on light gear.... The 4 lb MONO line was being pushed to its limits, and this was evident by the squealing sound (maybe wind factor) coming from the line being tightened and stretched....

    There were plenty of hairy moments using this technique just to land the fish.....

    FINALLY I managed to pull it up to the boat and seeing it was a Kingy i had the biggest smile from one ear to another... :1yikes::yahoo:

    ANOTHER hairy moment was when my mate managed to miss on numerous occasions, landing the fish in the net, a total of x3 times… Think he was doing it on purpose….

    After a few photos and realising it was only 60cm, it was released to live another day....

    Hope it will survive, had to cut the line since it swalloed the whole plastic/jig head....



  13. You certainly got the best out of your holiday over in New Zealand Joco..I like the look of all those lobsters and the abolone too and by the look of it that oversize freshwater salmon would have certainly given you a fair bit of curry and a lot of running to do on the light gear ay..

    I must say I thought that mice had more brains than to cross over a stream where they're likely to get eaten but it looks as though the trout over there in New Zealand are particularly observant and certainly seem to make up for the lack of snakes over there.. I wonder how many of the locals over there eat any undigested mice they encounter along with the roe these days :biggrin2:


    jewgaffer :1fishing1:

    HEHEHEH, it did not cross my mind that a trout would eat a rat/mice :1yikes: let alone have over a dozen in its belly ....

    I was keen to eat the NZ trout sushimi/sushi style, BUT had to think about it twice :biggrin2:

    To tell you the truth i was dissapointed with the Salmon fight on light gear, must be the cold water being 10 degrees celcius COLD that slowed it down....

  14. @ Floating_Medic - HAHHAHAHAHA, :biggrin2: I actually do the same thing (catch a grasshopper :thumbup: ) when lures fail to catch me a trout.....

    @ jewgaffer - Thanks for the response, I love all sorts of fishing as long as I am out of the house :1fishing1: NOW that I am not working full time, i am making an effort to enjoy life a bit more and go fishing (where ever it may take me), so if anyone out there needs a fellow fishing buddy, I’m up for it :beersmile: ....

    @ bloopin - Its private property mainly farmers, but many fisherman and campers go either way...... Sometimes, depending where we go, we have to call the owner so he can grant us access (don’t want him releasing those HUGE dogs on us)..... BUT majority of the time, as long as you don’t leave any rubbish, don’t destroy the environment and don’t harass the stock all is well.... By the way keep an eye out on brown and red bellied snakes, my friend and I had several close encounters where we nearly stepped on some and one started chasing us :ranting2: (ONLY in Australia will a snake chase a human) …

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