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johnny doi

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Posts posted by johnny doi

  1. going by the link hodgey put up about what knots to to join braid to leader,majority like the double uni.i do use them but not much as iv noticed they are a little bulky therefore not running through the tip very well.dont get me wrong they are strong knots & i used to use that knot exclusively but now i use more streamline knots like the albright or the slim beauty which have served me well.these 2 knots seem to flow through the guides more easier in my experience.its just a matter of trying a few proven knots & making a choice on what suits your style of fishing.just remember to practice your knots in your spare time & in no time you would have perfected your favourite knots & hopefully they wont let you down once you'v hooked up to that fish of a lifetime.

    :beersmile: cheers mate,hope this helps

    johnny :1fishing1:

    P.S. my prefered braided line is fireline.i'v never had any troubles with it the past 18mths & its not overly expensive as some other brands on the market at the moment.i use 6.8.10 & 20lb line classes of fireline.

    i also have suffix matrix pro in 15lb on 1 of my reels & thats done me well also,very fine diamiter & very strong for its line class & its width.

  2. :1fishing1:

    Not wrong there Nortons Basin is a tough climb back up. Gets harder every year. Nice spot though and plenty of rapids and pools to get a decent bass.


    im not sure of the name of the gorge,but it is one hell of a hike up.it might be norton gorge but il have to ask my mate josh to see if its the same place you guys are thinking about.

    cheers johnny :1fishing1:

  3. gday raiders,

    went for a bass session yesterday arvo with mate josh.after clambering down the steep hill,we got down to the water.looked good.water was up from the last time josh fished there[monday].to us this meant that the bass should be cruising the newly flooded ground looking for a feed.

    we started off at around 4.30pm.the plan was to cast lures around,but if that didnt work,change to bait

    [worms i dug up at the parents house].

    so we started casting our lures in front of the rapid at the top of the pool where there was some bubbles & foam caused by the flow.i was using a puple&black 45mm pak rat that runs at arond 2-3mtrs,& josh put on a green&black stiffy popper with red cupface.casting to the edges of the bubbles & through them also,we didnt raise any intrest.we did see a big gold flash just under the surface about 5mtrs infront of josh's popper but that was the last we saw of it.while i changed colour lure to a green of the same type,josh started to work the edges with his popper where shadow was forming over the water.within a couple casts,josh is on to a feisty little wild bass of no more than 10cms & barely bigger than the 50mm lure.he went back in probably wondering what heck just happened to him.after a few more casts for no result,we moved along.

    we saw some big carp & josh said before the water was up,he saw over 100 big carp in that same part of water where they caught a few.while walking the bank we cast our lures to likely looking snags until we couldnt go any further for no return,so we worked our way back towards the main basin.with nothing happening on lures we changed to the worms.rigged them unweighted & dropped them right at our feet in some snags & weed.1st drop josh is onto another bass around the same size as his lure caught one.josh is onto another wiggler nxt drop & im thinking when is 1 gona take my bait.we moved toward the basin again in search of some bigger fish.josh spotted some bass on the far bank which was about a 15mtr cast.the bass were holding there just out of the main flow behind a little point.we could see there were at least 5-7 fish there milling around.i stuck to the worms & josh put on a weedless rigged frog imatation plastic.i snagged up & lost my leader so i watched josh.he got a couple follows but no hits.he then changed to a fizzer & said he'l try to annoy them into a strike.it didnt happen so after 15-20mins we moved back to the basin where josh & other mate trent got 6 legal sized fish[30cm-40cm].used worms again but this time under a small bobby cork.rigged so worms site roughly 2.5mtrs under float.5mins pass & josh is on again & this one is better than all the 10cm specimens.it went 25-30cm.loosing light by this stage & im thinking to myself,am i ever goin to get one of these buggers.was getting downs but couldnt set the hooks.josh C&R a couple more little ones then calls out IM ON,MUCH BETTER FISH.i run over & give joshy a hand & lip grab the wild river bass after josh plays her out.i pull her out & she's a awsome conditioned fish. :thumbup: we didnt measure her as we wanted to get her back in the drink asap.josh goes around the corner & releases her.josh's previous pb went 40cm that he caught on monday & this one was bigger at around 41-43cms easily.great fish mate.

    i end up landing 3 wigglers.smallest barely 2inches & my pb which went 15cms.WOOHOO!! :yahoo: LOL.

    we decide to end the session just before its too dark at 7.30pm.it took a good 15mins to get back to the car & i can tell you guys,it wasnt fun climbing back up.im sooo unfit atm & it showed.got to quit smoking these danm ciggarettes.

    sorry guys,no pic as josh's camera had flat batteries& i left my camera phone at home because the missus lost her mobile last week. :ranting2:

    hope to get out there again in a couple days after my leg mucsles have had a chance to recover.thanks once again joshy for taking me to this awsome spot. :1fishing1: cheers mate.


    beersmile: thanks for reading guys& gals johnny. :biggrin2:

    P.S. ALL FISH WERE RELEASED HEALTHY & UNHARMED,besides a little %%%%% from our barbless hooks.

  4. ive caught 1 fishing for jews at night in late autum[i think?] near the iron cove bridge a couple yrs back.it was a whopper & i was wrapped.i was using a long squid stripabout 20cm long & it got tangled up in my leader.i was fishing next to some mangroves,so i think thats why he was there?anyways it was a big shock to get 1 there but a welcome by-catch none the less.it was my first & last muddie i've caught.

    :beersmile: cheers johnny :biggrin2:

  5. I used to be in that same boat myself, but there's no problem encouraging Kingfish to come up willingly nowadays, Dino.... Use 165LB mono and troll downriggers around 6 foot off the bottom...when you hook up just accelerate onto the plane quickly, but remember the fish is still being towed along behind you when you exit the system at the boat ramp and hit the M5...

    Hope this helps


    jewgaffer :1fishing1:


  6. hi btk what i do is i tie on at least 1mtr minimum of momo or flurocarbon as a little bit of extra stretch.i think they call those SHOCK LEADER.i join the braid to mono via a albright,slim beauty or double uni knot.i dont use a bimini twist mostly because i cant do a good 1.what i do if the leader diamiter is too thick is double over the tag end of the braid so its twice as thick,& tie the knot with the doubled over braid.in my experience the knot holds pretty good.once the shock leader is tied i see what type of rig i need to use for the situation.iv never tied the braid directly to a swivel or the like due to the fact that braided line seems to slip easier and doesnt bite down as snuggly than mono line does.also if you have a sinker running onto the swivel,the sinker running up & down the braid can cause the braid to fluff & therfore damaging the lines fibres in the process.& when casting,the sinker constantly banging on the braided knot can damage it also causing it to come loose.if you do decide to tie braid directly to the swivel,be sure to do double the amount of wraps of the line so that the knot has more to bite down onto.what i do if im going to fish a running sinker down directly onto the hook is just tie on a longer shock leader[of at least a rod length] to the braid.the rig you drew in your post is a good way also.im sure everyone has their own ways of doing it but this is how i do mine.i hope this helps & good luck on fishing on the beach.using braid for baitfishing sure does have alot of advantages.

    :beersmile: cheeers & good luck :1fishing1:

    johnny :biggrin2:

  7. jacks are such an awsome looking fish.great catch.you guys are such lucky buggers to have fishing on tap right at your backdoor. :1fishing1: by the way JH,what river is it that you guys live on?

    :thumbup: cheers johnny

  8. hi dino

    im not a kingfish guru by no means but i have caught a handful & majority of them were caught in botany bay not right on structure but near the structure[100m or so away from it]but i also got a few nowhere near any structure at all drifting with whole squid baits[live & dead]& strips of squid too.iv never caught any on the surface but to bring them up from deeper water to the surface,you could try berly to entice them up.for example.if using squid for bait, you should try incorperate some small bits of squid strips & scraps into the berly so that the kings get a taste of the same type of bait you are using.you can do that with every type of bait you use.& im sure it would work with other species too.& it doesnt mean if you are using surface lures you cant use berly,because in my experience with berling,a bit of berly never hurt.alot of people go out to only use lures,but bring some berly with them to get the fish that little bit more aggressive as they compete with other fish for a free feed.as i said at the start,im certainly no expert when it comes to kingies[let alone any species]but in my limited experience,the smart use of berly 9 times out of 10 works in the anglers favour.but remember with all berlying,a little bit at a time.not half your berly in 5 or 10mins.you wana tease the fish with a taste,not feed them.you could start off with a few handfuls,but once you know the fish are there,slow right down to a small handful every 5 to 10mins.im sure other raiders that chase kings regularly will have some tips aswell.hope this helps & hope to hear a report of some BB kings.

    :beersmile: cheers johnny :biggrin2:

  9. iv fished burning palms a few times.its one heck of a hike.goin down is ok,but goin back up the steep cliffs & through the bush is a killer,for me anyway.but there are some good fish to be caught there.never fished the beach but we work along the rocks for some good results.i call it burning thighs rather than burning palms.

    :beersmile: cheers johnny.

  10. how u goin mate.great work once again.wat rod & reel combo is that in your pics?looks the goods & sure seems to be doin the job for you lately.keep up the good work mate

    :beersmile: cheers champ,johnny :1fishing1:

  11. g'day mate

    nice feed you have there,& some nice jew bait too.well done.by the way,is that a blow up boat in your pic & did you go out in that? lol :1fishing1:

    cheers johnny

  12. :1happybday:

    im jealous.your a lucky bugger :biggrin2: bet you cant wait to get out & christen it with a cracking big fish.one question,is the rod 1 or 2 peice?the dropshot rods i have looked at are all 1pce.i prefer 2pce rods due to the fact that they are easier to transport.i've been disapointed a few times when looking to buy a rod & the ones i wana buy are all 1pce so i didnt end up buying them :ranting2:

    :beersmile: cheers johnny.

  13. great capture on the new rod g.t.ive got the same rod as you do,i think[trion tournament,2-5kg bream specialist 7ft 2in] but alot more cheaper shimano2500.does the job great for flicking light plastics & hardbods,even unwaited baits.even caught just legal drummer off ocean rocks using cunjie.[not ideal i know,with locked drags 6lb fireline & 8lb leader].i havnt landed any big fish yet but have had some big bust offs due to my error,not the tackle,& a couple 40cm bream.i have nothing negative to say about the rod,i love it as its my 1st graphite rod i own.sooo light compared to glass rods.

    well done again on a great sambo mate

    :beersmile: cheers johnny :biggrin2:

    p.s. does any1 know the maximum castable weight on this rod?it doesnt say on the blank.thanks.

  14. :1welcomeani: nick

    some nice fish there mate,good on you & the mrs.im only new to the site too.& im glad i joined cause iv learnt sooo much from reading the posts that everyone else has posted :thumbup:.& glad to see a local boy on the site.im from fairfeild

    :beersmile: cheers

    :1fishing1: johnny

  15. :1welcomeani: mate,

    well done,top effort with the lures.its sometimes weird that we could have fresh & live baits out & not turn a reel until you pull out the lures,chuck em in,then whack!!!!i dont have much experience with lures but i have used them quite a bit & caught fish.[but never a jewie.soon i hope!]great job mate.

    :beersmile: cheers :thumbup:

    johnny :biggrin2:

    p.s..what kures where you using,plastics or hardbodies???

  16. thanks alot slinky :thumbup: ,

    i really appreciate the help mate.iv noticed you have replied to a couple of my queries since i joined fishraider.thanks mate,you've been very helpful.

    :beersmile: cheers :thumbup:


    p.s....go the doggies!!!!!!!!

  17. hi raiders,

    i have a 4500 rovex big boss but my clicker broke a few mths back whist fighting a above average king,which busted me off after a 5-10min fight.question is,does the clicker have anything to do with the drag system,& can you still use reels that have a broken?also what is the purpose for the clicker,is it just a rachet system on threadlines,or part of a reels drag?

    thanks guys,id appeciate if anyone can help me with the answers to my questions.

    :beersmile: johnny :thumbup::biggrin2:

  18. thanks for the help guys :beersmile: .i can honestly say i wont just be posting just for the sake of getting 20posts up.i can tell everyone here & now that im here for the right reasons(my love for fishing & meeting like minded people).i wanted to get on buy&sell because im always looking to add to my tackle collection,even if the :ranting2: doesnt approve.thanks again.

    :beersmile: cheers

    johnny :biggrin2:

  19. hi guys,

    can anyone tell me how i can get to buy&sell?i got on it a few months ago when i wasnt a member but now i cant remember how to get to it.any help?much appreciated.


    :beersmile: johnny

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