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johnny doi

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Posts posted by johnny doi

  1. :1yikes: mate thats a cracker of a first king you got there,top effort.at 85cms,thats certainly a great king,especially landbased around all that structure,you did well to land him mate.my 1st king was just a rat at 63cms[it was legal back 5yrs ago,at botany bay on a boat].my biggest king to date was 84cms fishing landbased at peir 1 in the harbour,bout 3yrs ago around the gnarly structure & pylons aswell.hectic fight it was.there was over 10 anglers fishing.an old asian man who fishes there pretty much every day had 5 rods out the front of the peir & i told him to bring his lines in cos the fish was heading in the direction of his lines.of course he didnt & payed the price.i was using 20lb braid & he was using mono.well the fish swam towards his lines & my taut braid cut through all of his lines & he lost all his rigs but i got my prize & was stoked.needless to say,the old man wasnt happy. :ranting2:

    the moral of the story is,if someone is hooked to a good fish in a crowded spot & asks you to retreive your lines,do it.

    consolation for the old man was i gave him a rat king of 62cms[legal size back then],so he was happy.

    so where were you fishing,harbour?& what rod,reel & line did you get your prize king on?i wouldnt mind joining you for a session there some time soonn,the kings should only get better from now on.PM me if you wana meetm up.

    cheers johnny. :beersmile::thumbup:

  2. well done to you & your GF andrew,those 2 big reds are certainly fish of a lifetime.they say south oz is the home of big snapper & it sure lived up to its name on you trip.

    one question,were they caught on baits or plastics,what rigs & baits?correct me if im wrong,but the GF's fish looks like a genuine 30pounder to me, :1yikes:,ripper of a red fella!

    congrats once again.

    cheers johnny. :beersmile::thumbup:

  3. :thumbup: great effort for putting in the all nighter slayer,you sure got a great bag of fish,especially those jews.& you got your PB which makes the trip all that sweeter,well done mate.i wish a fellow raider would take me out on their boat for a all nighter in the harbour,or anywhere for that matter,sometime soon.[HINT HINT GUYS,LOL.].well done again on a top bag of fish mate.

    where abouts did you fish,if you dont mind telling us?

    cheers johnny. :beersmile::thumbup:

  4. great read as always roberta & it good to see your back in action.hope your back gets better soon.once you are back to 100%,those forster fishy's better watch out!!!!!ROBERTA'S BACK IN HER YAK,& OUT TO GET YOU....LOL.

    hope to read more of your posts again in the near future.

    cheers johnny. :beersmile::thumbup:

  5. well done champ.seems like you'v got yourself a productive plastic tossing spot.i wouldnt mind getting some hot plastic action like you did. :thumbup:

    what area were you fishing,if you dont mind?

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

  6. :thumbup: good onya nathan.a jew a jew,doesnt matter how big they are.my first was that size[50cm] caught whilst camping at cowan 10-15yrs ago,when i was in high school.

    your catch is even better cos 1,its of legal size,& 2,you got it on the squid you also caught yourself which makes it even more sweeter.well done nath,bet you'l definately have a jew bait out everytime you go fishing from now on. :biggrin2:

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

    P.S.dont feel silly about posting about your first jew mate,be proud[im sure u are].remember mate,some people fish theyr whole lives & still they cant crack a jew of any size.GOOD WORK once again mate.

  7. G'day fisherdoi,

    There's no effective way to put the broken piece of rod back on but as said, the simple fix is to replace the tip runner. I've done it myself to a few rods over the years. How much broke off the tip?

    Cheers, Slinky

    hi tony,

    the way he gave it to me,i didnt know it was broken until i looked at the tip properly & realised the top is broken off.so i think its the whole top section,from tip to 2nd runner is missing.

    do you think it stil useable like that,will it effect the action?iv seen on a fishing show & tackle shop years ago that they can put a new tip section on it,think theyr called 'nibble tips'.do you think that would make it better?

    josh originally gave it to my young bloke,so i think thats why he didnt tell us its broken,which is fine.but once i realised what kind it was & that its graphite,i wana fix it for lure fishing,for both my son & myself.is it a decent rod for lures,i think it is?

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

  8. hi raiders,

    iv got a old rod given to me by my good mate josh.its a 6"6 shimano steve starling stella spin rod,2-4kg.thing is,the rog tip is broken off so was wondering if i can get it fixed?does anyone know of anywhere close to fairfield that can fix it for me?& how much do you rekon it will cost?

    any help will be much appreciated.thanks in advanced.

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

  9. mate do you ever have a unproductive days fishing?LOL.you always seem to produce the goods,good onya jenno64.i bet youv lost count of how many flatties youv hauled into your kayak.im sure it would have to be in the hundreds.

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

  10. top effort to you & your GF,well done.to get a jew on hardbod trolling during the day doesnt happen very often.[that i know of].then to back it up with a keeper king on plastic is just awsome!!!!!!!!

    bet you wont have to drag your GF fishing with you next time mate.LOL. :biggrin2:

    CHEERS JOHNNY. :thumbup:

  11. shame about not catching anything after you put in all that effort mate.you win some,you loose some.your day was a obvious loss.but dont let that one day put you off mate,you know that persistance pays off[usually,lol].your persistance paid off for you last week with that whopper trev.

    so keep at it with the livies & im sure you'll come up trumps sooner than later.its weird that us fishos have a slow days fishing,yet we still go back & try try & try again.for me,i think its the excitement of not knowing when that fish of a lifetime is gona come my way.we just gota have a line in the water to be in with a chance.

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

  12. Thanks Peter, the problem is I don't have interaction that I am aware of between my mobile phone and my computer to be able to transfer photos from one to the other ...if someone else has this facility perhaps I can forward John's photos to them by sms message and they can then send them back to my email address for posting purposes as it appears John doesn't have a connection to download his phone and a scanner to be able to download his albums.


    jewgaffer :1fishing1:

    hi byron,your right,i dont have a scanner or printer.iv put pics from my digital camera into the laptop with the cameras memory card but i dont know how to get the pics onto my posts.is it the same way that you put the avatar pic up?

    i just might have to get one of my tech savvy mates over to show me how its done.thanks for trying to help byron & pete,much appreciated.

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

  13. hi raiders,

    took the young bloke jai fishing with me & mate chris yesturday.fished landbased at drummoyne,lane cove river[i think thats where we were].got there at midday just on the change for the run in.

    first cast with squid strip & after 2mins,BANG,son jai's hooked up.bring it in & its a little flatty 37cms.let go to fight another day.good start & jai's pumped.wind picked up making it hard to fish comfortably.moved a bit to try get out if wind,but was still a bit windy but bareable.got a couple just under legal bream & whiting,released.storm was brewing,so decision was to move again & fish infront of the car just incase the storm hit,we'r nxt to the car.anyways,berleid up the shallows with bread & pillies cubes.tailor& toadies everywhere,& good size choppers too.put on a 1/16th jighead wif 3in gulp minnow.2nd cast,ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.on & good fish.couple minute fight on 6lb braid & leader & light drag setting,son jai nets a healthy fat bream.measured 38cms.pumped,i cast again & get chopper massacred.new gulp on then after 3-5 casts im on again to a 26cm bream.after that,too many lost plastics to the tailor so change to sqiud strip on a small size 8 hook.son jai[aka net boy] perfectly netted another 6 undersize bream for me along with a couple small tarwhine.

    all those fish were caught in a quick 40min spurt of action,then the action died down.ended up calling quits just b4 7pm.

    all in all was a fun day for me & my 6yr old son.its the first time iv taken him fishing anywhere else besides our local,chippo lakes & he loved it.his new nick name that he wants me to call him when we go fishing now is NET BOY,cos he netted most of the fish.on a bad note,i lost a couple good hardbods to snags & the danm chopper tailor. :ranting2:.

    im trying to put teh pics up but i cant,i dont know how to.il keep trying.

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

  14. great effort Humesy.nice little soapie in the pic.arent jews the most awsome looking fish when theyr fresh out of the water.doesnt matter if theyr 5pounds or 50pounds,i just love them.good work mate. :thumbup: .any other species of fish landed?kings?

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

  15. hi mate,if your having trouble with small reds you could maybe try use a bigger bait.that way they might shy away or if they do have a go at it,the commotion they cause might attrach a better class of fish & there should hopefully be enough bait left for bigger fish to have a go it the bait.

    if that doesnt help,try use tougher or hardier baits.try squid,occy,cuttlefish & salted flesh baits like mullet,yakkas,slimies,tuna & tailor.salted pillies are a bit tougher than normal unsalted ones,& a half or whole pilchard has caught their far share of big fish.small live baits could see you get onto some bigger fish if theyr around.

    if worst comes to worst & you cant shake the pinkies,your best off to move along & find another spot to fish.you could persist in the same spot,but if it doesnt pay off,you'll just be feeding the local pinkie population.LOL. :1fishing1:

    hope this helps mate & i hope you land some bigger fish soon.GOOD LUCK!!!

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

  16. that awsome to hear of the silvers around chippo.i also was aware that SNAG got 1 in chippo area a while back.im pumped now cos iv been exploring my local waters around fairfield & have had some suprisingly good catches.chippo is only a 10min drive from my house so il sure be out there putting in that little bit extra effort.id love to land a silver on a lure,or bait for that matter.il keep fellow raiders posted on my missions.hopefully il accomplish it.

    SMITTY,would you know if your mate caught it landbased or boat?im landbased so it would be great to know he got it LB'd.

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

  17. you gotta be happy with that mate. :thumbup: getting woken up by a screaming drag,the ultimate dream.get it,dreaming of jew,then wake up to be hooked up & land it.JUST GOLD!!!!top effort for putting in the hours.

    cheers johnny. :thumbup:

  18. G'day Rob

    We fished from 5 to 10am this morning, tried our best to find a few squids but got only one. Our main target was kingfish, hooked up one near the container wall on light gear intended for trevally and could not stop him. Luckily we managed to converted a squid strip into a nice 4kg jew. Also got a few tailors on metal near the drum, they were feeding on small whitebait and pilchard, burst up and then gone really quick.



    FYI, it's my uncle in the photo who caught the fish :biggrin2:


    ryan,you didnt get your intended king but hey,you gotta be happy with a 4kg schoolie.i know i wouldv been.good work. :thumbup:

    cheers johnny.

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