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Everything posted by wchh

  1. Fascinating fishing/camping trip and fantastic post. Looking forward to reading your next episode!
  2. Only one comment mate: get yourself a longer ruler next time so that the fish will not have to hang over the edge. cheer Charles
  3. Hi Roberta, The mullet is reserved for next jewie session. Hopefully they don't minding having frozen bait! Let me clarify a bit: The breams I caught did not have "Made in Seal rocks" stamped, they are most lijely local grown. (I am pretty sure I read this "made in Seal rocks" in one of your earlier posts, could been last year? ) found the quotes: it was in one of your posts and the "made in seal rocks" was quoted by Jewgaffer, reply No. 5# http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=31712&st=0&p=244510&hl="made%20in%20seal%20rocks"&fromsearch=1entry244510 Charles
  4. Yah, I did not really expect they are still there waiting as the tide was really low!
  5. After this bit of cleaning up, hopefully my next trip would be less frustrating! Charles
  6. wchh


    That whiting would have been PB for a lot of fishos, mate, very well done!
  7. I once went to a dolly fishing trip a few year back with a charter operates off Terri gal. We did not find any challenge dolly fishing because you literally take a fish straight after you drop the pilly cube into the water. I did not get to take many fish because of seasick but among 5 of us, we caught more than 80 fish, size not that great though. That was in 2005 and I guess there was no size limit for dolphin fish at that time?
  8. We fisho all catch bi......g fish, but a tarwhine of 37 cm is no mistakenly something worth mentioning.
  9. Quite an experience! went back for the fish and iit is still waiting! well done!
  10. Took a friend for a jewfish session on the beach last night, but ended up very embarrassed. After a long 4-hour secession, the only fish we took home are 4 breams and two flatheads. You could imagine the size of bream that we caught on the 6/0 hooks (all 30 + with the bigger two measured 34cm), but due to a fact they pecked all our tailor fillets we painstakingly caught early of the trips, we felt frustrated ratherthan joyful. We did not even bother to take a picture of the critters. Could not jusify the loss of face, I got back to beach this morning targeting those culprits. Get there at 10:00 am. By the time of 12:00 when the tide is too low to keep fishing, I managed to round up 7 of the buggers plus one mullet and one dart which I believed are all co-offenders. The biggest two again went to 34 cm mark. There is one looked particularly fat , when I cleaned it, I found the belly of the fish is all stuffed with fat. No wonder my precious tailor fillets disappears that quickly, the beach is now infested with breams. Anybody target other species should take this heed.
  11. Yes, Ray, could not think of a better way to spend the afternoon, and I guess this coming Saturday is going to be better!
  12. precisely, mate! I was lucky to be able to fish the last hour of the existance of the gutter.
  13. Headed for the beach for a swim this afternoon. Habitually packed the 11 foot surf rod in the boot and grabbed a few pillies from the freezer which are leftover re-frozen for N times from previous trips. Got to the beach at 1:15PM to find the areas of gutters and rips are packed with swimmers amd board riders. Gladly joined the swimmers. After all, have a dip in the water is the main purpose of the trip. Fishing is not high on today's agenda knowing the fact the tide is low and I did not even bother to get some fresher bait. Anyway, in between the swimming sessions, did a fishing session with the smelly pillies in a gutther next to a rocky area that is free of swimmers. the session is just about 1 hour before the water got lowers and the gutter dissapeared. This hour happened to be productive as I managed 4 good fat breams around 28~32 cm marks and one just leagal tarwine. Had another swim after the fishing to wash off the smelly scales and left the beach at 4:00. All in all, 2 and a half hours on the beach, had my swim and also took home some good fish for dinner. Not bad at all.
  14. Good looking fish there mate! Must have been a good fight to land a grouper that size!
  15. That multi picture was when I had my X-mas break. Missed booking for holiday house (was thinking going back to Batemans Bay) but ended with a lot of fun fishing the beaches. Saved accommodation cost but burnt a lot of fuel. The fishing slowed down a bit lately. Last Sunday the wind was bit too strong. Fished about 2 hours braving the wind and was determined to go home after the "Last cast". happy ending--- taking home another sandy (took one as bycatch the night before when trying for jewie)
  16. Been fishing the northern beaches for the last couple of months, and slowly getting used to catching those breams, whitings, flattie, tailors and those hard fighter salmons. Until 3 weeks ago I did not know the legendary jewies are just 1~2 hours away on exactly the same spots I fish from.(cause I normally pack up at around 7:00pm). Then I met another fisho on the beach who obviously came to target jewie as he was armed with big hooks and fresh squid. Got a few quick tips from the generous man (such as tide change, big bait...) I fished with the "mentor" for about one hour and left the beach when I got my two-hook (6/0 suicide on 40 pound mono line leader) bitten off. The leader had obvious abrasion marks like those from sand paper---still don’t know whether this is the work of a monster flattie or a shark that also found on the beach. Anyway , this is my first attempt for jewie using fillet of a fresh tailor caught that day—Theory proved is, using big bait you will get bite from big fish! Went back last weekend with the same method for my 2nd attempt for jewfish—big hook, big bait. This time I did not get hooks bitten off and took home some tailors and a big sandy flathead of 56cm. No success for the jewie but through all the reading from this site, I am conscious that catching those beach jewie needs a lot more than two goes… Checked the tide chart yesterday and found out the timing fitted well into the "tide change around 8:00 PM" tip. So the plan was made to have my 3rd attempt: fish for tailors or other small fish earlier afternoon and then use as bait to try the jewie. Got to the beach at 7:30 pm. The beach looked perfect with deep gutter about 20 meters away. For about 20 minutes my usual setup of half pilchard on two 3/0 hook system did not seem to attract much activities from the bream or tailors I took for granted to catch. It was about the last light by now and I said to myself “I must catch something otherwise I would have to use pilchard for the jewie”. A little bit short of patience, I put a whole pilchard this time hope to attract the Mr. tailor better—Two minutes after cast the pilchard in, I suddenly felt the tension on the line disappeared, “unusual”, I said to my self, quickly wound in too tighten the line and then all of sudden I was greeted with a strong pull, I mean strong pull, stronger than those from monster salmon I had a lot of experience with. Knowing I had plenty 30 pound mine line on the reel, I feel comfortable for giving some lines, but a bit anxious about the 25 pound leader and the two 3/0 hooks. I patiently retrieved the line wit careful adjustment of the drag. A few head shake told me this is a fish I had not caught before---- 5 minutes retrieving and then the result is clear: This is indeed a fish I have never caught before--- a 75 cm fat jewie off the beach. You see, as my name hinted, I like to sort things out neat as ABC in order. I planned to catch tailors and then use as Jewfish bait, somehow the jewie decided to just the Q and took the pilchard on 3/0 hooks. This turned out completely not to the plan. I hope things will be more organized next time and all fish should come in order! BTW, a big thanks to the fisho that tipped me into the jewie hunting. I am not sure whether you are also a raider on this site. If you happened to also read this post now you know I am Charles and I will say thanks again when I bump into you next time! ABCfisho
  17. Never knew stingrays give birth to youngs not eggs! Haven't been to the rocks for a while. Will say Hi next time I see you there Ray! Charles
  18. No, not from air. I was standing on the rocks, marked with the X in below picture
  19. Had this picture in my computer for some time. It was taken on 28/10/09 from Botany Bay. The fisho in the boat must have been very frustrated coz he wasn't able to get any into the boat and I watched for about 20 minutes... Read millions of posts with fresh leaning every day but yet to post my first report.
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