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Posts posted by DGF

  1. Hey guys, ive been chasing the illicit jew for what feels like forever with no success so ive been heading out every saturday with my mate IVZ350 "Ivan" to hunt the jews of georges river now we've been for chasing them for every saturday for 3 weeks now and each time we had lost the jews at the boat and one wrapped around the burley pot n free'd, But this time i had figured id get a new net with a longer handle and wider net, So Ivan and his mate bazza and I headed out to sylvania hole in the wall at around 3 in the arvo yesturday no boat traffic weather looked to be clearing a lil bit and the run off tide had just started, launched the boat got out to capt cook bridge and started to pick out a hole on the sounder found a nice lil hole under the bridge awaye from wind+rain if weather changed so we were cheering.

    Started a lil burley trail, dropped in our lines and the wait began about 30-40 mins in we Ivan pulls in a big octopus after beating its head in a bit (or tenderizing it) it was safe to put in the bucket without it crawling its way out. With heaps of runs and missed hookups we were about to give in and sound out another holeso we gave it another 15 mins, 4 minutes into that 15 minutes my Exceller starts screaming!!!! IM ON! I YELL, After a short tussle i see some colour and a big mouth out of the water about 5 mtrs away and i start thinking big flathead? Ivan says NOPE ITS A JEW he could tell by the eyes! as it comes closer i see its purply pinkish silverish colour we net him up on the deck she goes AND HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND MY FIRST EVER JEW!!!!!!!!! i had a massive smile on my face all night after that we measure him up at 68cm and est weight around 4-5kg it was FAT! into the esky that one goes after few snaps! then my bait runner starts to sing so i grab that and set the hook another JEW! but a 50cm soapie still a keeper with the net on its way in i say bugger it and just high stick that one into the boat as it took the heaviest outfit with 60lb braid and 80lb top shot with 60lb leader, i figured it didnt really have a chance and as that hit the deck the hook came out and i relised how close i was to loosing that, so the decision to move was now void, with few hrs passing and a heap of runs i manage to hook up another octopus only this time this occy was a lil greedy and grabbed a nice blue swimmer crab on its way up n killed it! Ivan grabs the net and nets him straight away before the occy could drop the blueswimmer and landed 2 for the price of one!

    I took home the bigger jew and ivan took the occy's and the 50cm jew n the crab as i was happy enough with just that one! Ran into my house at 3am got into my room carrying my jewwie in hand with my wife still awake i show her my prize :D and get yelled at for dripping blood n stuff across the house HAHA

    So, i have ripped the 2 lil jewels from his head as a small trophy from my first ever jew!!!


  2. Went for a leisurely cruise from Rose Bay boat ramp on Sunday at about 9.30 am to cruise to Darling Harbour. About 300 metres from the ramp we saw something odd sticking up out of the water, so we went to investigate. It was a sea lion about 7 feet long floating with one flipper and one tail fin in the air. He (or she) had its head under water and would look up every so often to see what was going on then look down again. We got within 5 metres of it and took a photo and it didn't care about our presence at all. But at the same time I didn't want to spook it and have it jump into the boat with us so we just cruised off and left it alone. We didn't see it when we came back about 4 hours later.

    I have never seen a seal in the harbour before. There must be fish there, I guess.

    ive seen em at pier 2 few times :)

  3. Hey guys, with winter coming on im thinking about getting a portable outdoor heater to bring with me on the boat on night fishing trips :P just so i dont freeze to death does anyone know the differances and which ones are a more reliable unit that will produce enough heat to keep us warm enough?

  4. type in your search microsoft office picture manager, ya might already have it on your computer cause i do, select the picture and follow the prompts it gives you and you can compress the photos quality making it a smaller filesize.

    Cheers Ivz :beersmile:

    ivz cuz jewie session friday ? :P

  5. i usually launch tie the boat to the ramp take the car to park then off i go :/ and same thing in reverse when bringing it back up if your son can hold it on a jetty/pontoon makes it easier and people can use the ramp as soon as you bring your car out if your worried about that but yeah i mean boat has to sit somewhere while you park :P

  6. i got the same rod and have the same thing but its just a lil bend in it :) nothing to really worry about i mean heck ive been trying to bust the rod for some time now to give me a reason to grab another nitro vapor :P but sadly it wants to be as tough as nuts

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