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Posts posted by Gribble

  1. I fish under the bridge every now and then, best success I have ever had there were some just legal bream on windybanks prawns casting out just in front of the first set of piers of the old highway. I also find that if the wind is high under the bridge that everything goes off the bite, even trash fish like catfish and toads wont take bait. Everytime ive sat on the rocky windbreak looking things to the west ive caught nothing regardless of the weather or bait or method etc etc.

    Sooner or later I would like to try the eastern side of the north point along the sand/boat channel.

    Of course, when I purchase a boat later on this summer I will more than likely be heading down to the rail bridge for some action there.


    Regarding the snakes, I was repairing a broken down cherrypicker for Energy Australia along one of the powerline easements that run through the NP not far from there, after crawling out to grab some fittings I noticed a nice 4' death adder crawl out from the other end of the truck. Now they dont call these things Death Adders because they are cuddly. After that I always make sure I at least have a basic FA kit whenever I walk, ride, drive etc into the bush. You never never know......

  2. Hello everyone, Gribble here signing in.

    The story basically goes Ive been on and off as far as fishing goes for past few years, not for any reason in particular, its just that its always been something I did when i was really bored or just had some time to kill, i never went out of my way to go fishing but always enjoyed it when i did, even if i never caught anything its certainly better than watching television, unless the cricket is on of course.

    Like most kids who grew up in the Western Suburbs, Carp and Eels in creeks and man made dams were the most common catch. Also when I visited my Grandfather down at Jervis Bay and went for flathead on the drift right smack bang in the middle of the Bay. If i can dredge up the photo of me when i was about 12 with a monster 75cm flattie (he was delicious) ill scan it and post it up somewhere. So fishing is in the veins of course.

    Anyway, so now that im no longer studying every single goddam afternoon or busy on the weekends with parties and hangovers to attend to Ive found the extra time i was wasting to wet a line.

    Im no expert by any measurements, in fact I would class myself as just beyond a beginner. Over the rest of this summer I intend to arm myself with the knowledge, some decent gear and hopefully a nice little boat if I can drum up a few spare grand somewhere. Something cheap and cheerfull of course, nothing over the top or thats going to be a money pit, if there is such a thing with boat ownership, I guess a man can be an optimist.

    So once again, hello to everyone out there in fishraiderland! Looking forward to lots of reading, helpfull tips and of course some good catch.

    Thanks for reading! :biggrin2:

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