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Posts posted by paul.kenny

  1. Well done getting some decent bream in the Georges River.....I think I saw you near oatley bay. We worked the oatley area with soft plasics for a couple of small tailor and a keeper flattie.

  2. Bassboy888 and I headed out pre-dawn to Woolooware Bay for a surface bream session amongst the Oyster leases. Unfortunately the SE was blowing a gale along the bay. The chop and the fact we could not hold in a good position with the Minn Kota meant we had to find alternate options :1badmood: . After trying some sheltered oyster leases for nothing but scores of small tailor we decided to try for flatties and bream in the Georges River and Woronora River on the tide change and run out. The strong wind meant no finesse lures and we used MF40s and SPs. Despite plenty of small flatties, tailor and 1 x bream we only caught one keeper. This 50cm Flattie was caught on a green MF40 on a drop off in 8 feet of water and released to grow into a bigger model.


    It was a hard and sometimes wet and cool day out there today.....hopefully next weekend will be calmer and warmer

  3. It is excellent to see a post about bass fishing. I am very envious of you...I am hoping to have a bass session in a couple of weeks time when I travel up to the Hunter Valley (Lake St Clair). I have never tried the Nepean River with a boat or a canoe....can you use a boat in the area you were fishing?

  4. Mako well done working the oyster leases in a kayak. We struggled to hold the boat near the leases in Woolooware Bay whilst using the minn kota :wacko: We saw you in the distance working the southern leases and decided not to venture that far due to getting some good flatties in our location....had we known the bream were on the go we would have moved further south. I must try the leases further south in Woolooware Bay next weekend.

  5. That is a great result....obviously your lure is not too light to be able to be used in that terrible wind on Sunday. I got soaked travelling from Woolooware Bay back into the Georges River at about 12pm, so you must have worked hard in the chop to get what you did on Sunday. The homemade lure looks awesome and I look forward to reading future posts from you regarding their performance!! :biggrin2:

  6. I am currently using an ctex multi sx 7000 recharger. It does an excellent job charging my batteries and I have also used the reconditioning function to save my older deep cell battery. It is an expensive charger, but is cheaper than continually replacing overcharged or spent deep cell batteries!!

  7. Bassboy888 and I set out this morning for a surface season after bream on the Georges River and Woolooware Bay. We first started at the sand flats on the junction of Georges River and Woronora River at first light. There was bait being chased all over the flats :biggrin2: so we gave the surface lures a crack.... we had 45 minutes of many strikes and misses by bream and small tailor. Unfortunately we had no hookups :( and just on the tide change we decided to move into Botany Bay. Our first stop was Woolooware Bay. By then the wind was starting to gather strength and we fished the Oyster Leases on the eastern bank of the Bay. Before the wind got too bad we tried surface lures and I after a couple of missed strikes by bream and swarms of small tailor I got a big surface strike in one foot of water. I immediately felt the familar head shakes of a flattie. A brief but exciting fight in shallow water and I netted our first decent fish of the morning - this 39cm flattie.


    We continued to persist with the surface lures with a number of missed strikes and small tailor until the tide turn. The wind continued to worsen so we switched to SP Blades and HBs across the sand flats and the drop offs into the weeds. This change brought immediate success with this 55cm flattie taking the MF40 on the first lift.


    For the next hour we caught released over ten flatties including another 55cm model and a 49 cm flattie.



    Bassboy888 caught the largest of the day with a 58cm flattie being taken from amongst the oyster leases. :bump0ee:


    By 1130am the wind was becoming too strong, even in the lee of the eastern shoreline of Woolooware Bay and we headed home. During our run home we stopped briefly at some pontoons in the Wooronora to try again for a decent bream...... we cast blades at the pontoons and you guessed it another flattie (49cm model).


    At the end of the session we failed to catch a decent bream, however the by catch of over a dozen nice flatties (all released) was entertaining :biggrin2:

  8. Sounds like you had a great day :thumbup: There certainly are some good reports of sizeable bream in the bay at the moment. I am torn between chasing bream and flatties on the flats with surface lures or trying to catch my first kingy on lures in the bay this weekend....decisions decisions

  9. Nice fishing - a good tally for a quiet day. I also found the small fish (Bream, tailor and Flatties) to be very active in the Georges River on Sunday morning, making it very challenging to get to the larger fish. I lost a view tails on my SP from the small tailor and bream.

  10. Bastik - I must try hard bodies. I have found the surface bite in the upper Georges to be good at the moment and it is hard to try other techniques. I have mainly been using small poppers or bugs with a resin jighead for nice bream averaging 35cm.

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