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Posts posted by paul.kenny

  1. Excellent post and that is some hard core fishing :1worthy: . If I didn't have to go back to work next week (had last week off) I would have considered accompanying you, however I would be using spin gear :fishing1: .

    I look forward to reading about your successful trip at the end of next week.

  2. Great work guys!

    All i can find in the bay is bream and trevally i wouldnt mind a few more lizards here and there lol

    I dusted off one of the old mf40's i had from a while ago and it worked well for me last weekend so im gettin more tomorrow :thumbup:

    How close were you into towra? normally you can get away from the little reddies if your a few hundred metres off it

    We drifted with the breeze (using the minn kota to control the drift) from about 100m (5ft deep) out to about 400m off Towra (9ft deep). The little reddies were sitting in 6 - 8ft of water. We were deliberately trying to mimick your style but were not sucessful. It may have been due to the runout tide.

    All of our lizards are coming from Woolooware Bay, however last year we had great succes with the Lizards off Towra (mainly on the incoming tide in 5 - 8ft of water using SP across the sand banks between the weed banks).

  3. Hi raiders - I was fortunate enough to be able to spend Friday fishing rather than at work. With the weather prediction looking good Bassboy888 and I decided to give Woolooware Bay Oyster leases one last crack for surface feeding bream. We arrived in Woolooware Bay just after sunrise and commenced flicking pencils amongst the racks. We were immediately surprised by a number of solid strikes but unfortunately no hook ups. This trend continued for about half an hour and with the breeze starting to build up I eventually decided to admit that summer is over :( and switched to my trusty MF40. Bassboy888 persisted with his surface lures for more missed strikes.

    On my third cast with the MF40 on to a sand flat adjacent to a oyster rack I was rewarded with a solid hook up and I captured a nice 42cm flattie.


    Finally Bassboy888 admitted defeat and he switched to a SP flick bait. We peppered the sand flats and drop offs adjacent to the oyster racks to catch a mixture of bream and flatties.




    At one stage Bassboy888 and I had a double hook up for what would be our best flatties for the day. Both of these fish fought hard and tested our individual netting skills. :1prop:




    As I was de-hooking my flatties Bassboy888 decided to cast a small flick bait at some fleeing bait to be rewarded by this nice 31cm bream.


    As the wind got stronger we decided to try Towra (it was protected from the SSW breeze) for no luck.....we got pestered by small squire :thumbdown:

    By midday we decided the wind was getting too strong and moved back into the Georges River to see if the EPs were still in the vicinity of Lugarno. Unfortunately there was a jetskier racing around our EP hole :mad3: and we had to bide our time tossing SP onto a nearby sandflat, where Bassboy888 hooked this nice 50cm flattie.



    After allowing the jetski to go, we tried for EPs for only one 25cm EP.....I reckon the commotion of the jetski repeatedly roaring through this area ensured that the EPs were not going to hang around in any sort of numbers. Unlike early this week it was a SP 3 inch flickbait that caught this EP.


    We continued to fish for another couple of hours in the Lugarno and Como area with only small tailor for our efforts.

    Overall, it was a fantastic way to spend a friday (certainly beats work) and I am looking forward to chasing more EPs and perhaps jewies in the middle and upper reaches of the Georges River over the coming months.


  4. Mrs Slinky - welcome officially to fishraiders as a contributor....no doubt you have contributed to fishraiders as a reader and giving permission :wife: to Mr Slinky to spend hours on the computer to write his own posts etc.

    Congratulations on the decent flatties and I look forward to more reports of Tweed flatties in your future posts, especially on those occassions you outfish Mr Slinky :biggrin2:

  5. Well done Bubba - nothing better than good company and a chance to hook a jewie on lure :thumbup: . I haven't caught a jewie yet this year, however it seems that a number are being taken by lure in the Georges of late. Will have to dedicate a fishing trip to specifically target jewies.

  6. Hi raiders. Yesterday I took Bassboy888 and his mate Brent (a novice fisherman) out on the boat and as it was quite windy we decided to stick to the Georges River to chase bream and flatties. Brent has not done much fishing and his largest flattie to date was less than 20cm.

    We had a relatively early start with the boat in the water at 6:30am and we headed immediately to a location near Como that has regularly produced flatties for me. The morning started very slowly as we fished the incoming tide. We were fishing plastics on to the flats and down some good drop offs but all we caught were a couple of small tailor and bream. Brent caught a cople of small but fiesty tailor to wet his appetite.

    We then decided to head to Lugarno to try the last of the run in and the slack tide. We had a couple of good hits casting onto some flats and into the mangroves with SPs and pencils. Bassboy888 hooked an excellent bream that attacked his pencil in less than a foot of water amongst the mangroves. We saw the dorsal fin of the bream that must have been over 35cm as it hit his lure, unfortunately after a good fight it threw the hooks just short of the boat. Luckily Brent had better luck, he hooked a nice flattie whilst casting a gold SP bug onto some shallow flats. As a novice he fought the fish well and was rewarded with a PB flattie of 34cm :thumbup:


    Whilst Brent and Bassboy888 were working the flats I was working the deeper channel on the other side of the boat (I had to point the boat away from the flats with the electric to keep us being blown into the mangroves). I was using blades and larger SPs (80 - 120cm shads and flickbaits)for a couple of small bumps but no hookups.

    During the slack tide it went quiet so we move to a hole near Lugarno where we generally get EPs and Bream during winter. Just as the tide started to run out I was casting a MF40 SP down a steep drop off to be rewarded with a decent strike and after an enjoyable fight I was surprised by a healthy and fat 29cm EP:


    We could see fish schooled on the sounder as we continued to cast MF40s down the drop off. I then caught another 21cm EP and then Bassboy888 hooked another decent fish. As he fought it to the boat with a couple of powerful runs back towards the rocky drop off we called it for another EP. As we got it too the boat we were delighted to see it was a healthy and fat bream of 27cm:


    No more fish we pulled from this hole as the current got too strong to keep the lures in the strike zone.....but I am very glad the EPs are back and make a concerted effort to bet my PB this winter.

    With the tide running out quickly and the wind picking up (despite the BoM prediction of the wind abating in the arvo) we moved to try for some flatties on the flats so that Brent could better his recent PB.

    We moved to some flats near Como where a combination of the wind, tide and electric could allow us to effectively work the area. This is one of my favorite locations for big flatties during run out tides and it worked. Brent hooked excellent fish and after an exciting struggle he bet his recent PB for a flattie by over 14cm. This 51cm flattie is now his PB :1yikes:



    We continued to work the flats around Como during the last of the run out and the start of the run in for lots of small flatties (15 - 25cm) and a couple of small whiting. It was a great day for Brent despite the wind and he now has a flattie PB that he can be proud of.

    As we fished our way back to the boat ramp I also took the time to finally get a photo of me fishing in my blue Stessco Bass Tracker 420 :biggrin2:


  7. I agree with Stewy, the middle picture is definitely a Bass. They are great little fighters and I love catching them on bream gear :1yikes: .

    Congratulations on finding a new fishery so close to home. I look forward to seeing future posts detailing your capture of more Bass.

  8. Outstanding result Johnny and it is good to see a nice jewie capture by a landbased lure fisherman :thumbup: Obviously you have found some good holes and continue to persist, all of which are so important for jewies.....once agoin well done.

    PS - what size jighead and hook are you using?

  9. Well done for your first trout Mako :biggrin2: - you certainly have shown some skill in both the salt and fresh water :fisher: Nothing better than great scenery and the taste of success. I must try for some trout this year as I am yet to catch one.

  10. Well done lads...there are some nice wild river bass there. :thumbup: I understand the challenge of moving immediately from Barra to Bass gear, as I experienced the same challange in January when I went from Monduran Barra to Lake St Clair Bass. Fortunately I didn't loose any gear but did experience a number of birdnests trying to cast jitterbugs on my bass baitcasting gears :1prop:

  11. Great report guys and sorry to hear that you could not land them......Bassboy888 had the same problem for 3 weeks of Barra fishing in Decemeber and January with many hooked (ie about 12) for one landed :thumbup:

    As I type this response from my office I can tell you I am very jealous of you all. I had a ball at Monduran in January and it took us three days of searching and thousands of casts to find the fish, but once we found the bite they were on :biggrin2: . Unfortunately the locations we found would be well under water now :ranting2:

    I agree with Roberta regarding the stingers and will be trying that trick next time I hit the Barra Impoundments.....might even trial it with the Jewies this year.


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