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Everything posted by clutch

  1. Well done Shane ......Thats a very nice fish Mate!
  2. Signed up yesterday......and took the quick pick
  3. Way to go mate, they look great! When you called I told you we had family land down there near Awahou Stream, which is in Ngongotaha ......just before you enter Rotorua http://www.rotoruanz.com/activities/lakes/lake_rotorua.htm
  4. Too bad about the weather up there Heck, it must have cleared up just after you left although that Kingy looks pretty bloody good!! at 1 metre Did you get a pic of the trout??.....Ooops I see it in the other post
  5. Chris, its just a bit too depressing at the mo. 4 points in the hole before the season even starts and then a first round loss to the storm
  6. Wish I was them..... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060313/ap_on_fe_st/beer_on_tap
  7. Good advice George......show them how much bad publicity is being created Bisso, I'd fire off a few e-mails while your waiting for the tribunal
  8. Sounds like good session Buster ...you thought you were rather late getting out.....and that your bait was very average......... ....but you just never know with fishing do you
  9. Congrats to you and your mate Kevvie both of you taking out prizes is fantastic. Maybe we can interest a few raiders for next year
  10. Why do you need this step Chris?......and not just download the image resizer and right click
  11. Thats a beauty Mate ......and released in top condition; well done
  12. Hey dc, congrats Mate and I'll drink to you
  13. Funny how history is repeated with the next generation eh Mick, Sounds like the 2 of you spent some quality time together .....thats part of what fishing is all about
  14. Way to go mick I didnt bet the farm; but 5 bucks eachway cant hurt Dont know what it was payin over there but here it was $11:20 and $4:30 Onya Mate!!
  15. Good report Dan, too bad you didnt get to land her......bloody close tho' Thats my favourite time of the day .......traffic is great
  16. While there are many programs for image resizing Microsoft Powertoys has to be onre of the best It is what I use and I love it. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloa...ppowertoys.mspx go to that link and on the right hand side of the page are the power toys that you can download go to image resizer and download it......once installed all one has to do is right-click on your image with your mouse and select small image......a piece of cake Did I mention that i love it
  17. Good Luck Mick lokking forward to the report
  18. Inked the Waitemata (Sparkling Water) is Aucklands harbour. and for all of you that tractor is the boating clubs tractor. They have a couple of them and if you are a member of the club you have access to the tractors kept in sheds. we have a North Harbour Sea Rescue boat stationed here and that tractor is used to launch it. It has been elevated to be able to launch any tide and in any weather........just keep driving back till shes floating Having said that; in an emergency you could probably drive in forwards and have it float off the back
  19. Hey Guys, since the weather has been crap (windy) for the last week, I seized the opportunity to venture out after work today after such a beautiful morning The wind did pick up and became quite brisk..... Nothing big was caught........I spent 2 hours out there and came back when my bag of baby squid was gone Took home 7 snapper.....all pretty small and now in my Aunt and Uncles fridge/freezer for upcoming meals As I was leaving the beach this nice tinnie was being pulled out.....now that would suit me And I should always end with a pic of Rangitoto
  20. Great stuff Koons Man that scenery is beautiful ...you beat me on 2 counts; i've never caught a trout and never been to the South Island
  21. Boppa, I've had more than a few trips disrupted by the weather gods which must be why we always take so much beer Must have been good to get away at any rate Would have thought the boat would have got up on the plane going home seeing as it must have been about 1000 VB's lighter
  22. Some of you may know that Heckendorfmortgage is in NZ at the moment and around lunchtime today i got a call from him as he waited for a flight to take him up north. He was very happy to tell me that he had just been in Rotorua and caught his first Rainbow Trout!! ...I believe he said it was 45cm but my hearing really aint that good.....anyway I'll let him report the details ...I just wanted to say "Way to go Heck!!" He is now up in Russell in the Bay of Islands Get ready for his post next week which should be good as you may remember what happened the last time he was up in Russell http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...wtopic=3965&hl=
  23. Martin and Knapers Hope that both of you have GREAT days and that you each get something fishy I'll have a couple for ya's
  24. Hey Dave, somehow have missed this post .....well i actually only got back yesterday! It sounds like you have the Bass fishing sussed and are now ready to upsize ...man thats some great scenery....great pics mate ....those bats sound a little unnerving
  25. Thats a good one Grant The LIVIE used to catch that would be a fish of the month!
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