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Posts posted by tunastrike

  1. I have seen it many times big seas and people fishing i live in wollongong and most of the people that are fishing those seas are from overseas and have little to no idea of how dangerous it is and more likely cant swim at all like a death on the rocks a couple of years back calm seas fell in and drowned couldnt swim what,s the answer there was talk of closeing fishing spots but dont think that would work unlessed policed.

  2. Yer sorry to be a downer but i owned a 560c with a etec and cant say anything good about a etec except there good at keeping oil companies rich and as for the 560 nothing really great there either 150 litre tank not enough for a days trolling well not with that etec i had and i was glad to see the back of it.

  3. Thinking of buying a new of shore boat somtime in a year or so and was wondering if trim tabs are worth the money dont have them on my present boat so dont know if there worth it thanks any advice be great thanks.

  4. I live 5 minutes from windang and wouldnt waste my time down there there are only small fish of the breakwall and maybe a few salmon better to fish beaches north of there for decent fish like bream flathead and jews.

  5. just wanted to get some opinions on what sort of outboard to buy for a 6.5 meter boat that will be doing alot of off sure work trolling etc the main outboards are yamaha suzuki mercury and etec which I have already owned on a 6 metre boat and cant say I was all that pleased with the fuel consumtion of the etec so 4 stroke next time but some people say there etecs are great so any info would be great thanks.

  6. Most peole that rockfish around my way are from overseas and proberly never grown up around water and understanding the way it can change isnt rocket sience but alot seem to think a fish is worth everything maybe they should start closing these fishing spots because its not going to stop they fish any conditions and die doing so.

  7. I work for a company with a huge amount of trucks and they all run on pump diesel fuel with no problems at all there has been a pump or two go over the years but like anything else that works hard all day its going to need maintenance or replaceing from time to time as for putting oil in fuel who knows might help or could be a waste of money.

  8. Im pretty sure alot of people on this site have done alot of fishing like me over the years and if its beach rocks or even offshore fishing i have found a better bite on a run up tide that peaks early in the morning or late afternoon and around when there is alot more water movement like new and full moons people might differ just what ive found over the years.

  9. Im pretty sure all normal unleaded has ethanol in it these days and as for seperating i have heard it does that but i have put some ethanol feul in a see through container that,s about 6 months old now and i have,nt seen any separation of the two feuls yet.I use it in my boat and have had no problems at all i also recall many years ago pulling up to a country service station and seeing super with ethanol i dont want say that it doesnt cause problems but why arn,t they building engine,s etc to run on ethanol blend feul because we are going to see alot more of it.

  10. The lake is only about 3 meters at the best but there are channel markers so should,nt have a problem there been getting good flathead west of the bridge on plastics and live poddys should be still fish around up there.

  11. you can get out to windang island high or low tide but not much point only a salmon or a rat king if your lucky not much else hill 60 is the go.As for the people keeping all those undersize fish of the breakwall they will get caught sooner or later and i dont think they have any idea how to catch a decent fish if they did they would,nt be there.

  12. I know some people steal anything they can get there hands on but never throught trailer boats were a big thing to steal make,s me wonder what do they do with them respray change numbers etc.I guess its easier than a car to change identity because you dont get checked by police out on the water the way they might check a car unless they new something was wrong.

  13. I walk down there nearly everyday and all i see is undersize fish being kept but fisheries have done a few bust down there and not as many of those people that do that are there now wouldnt waste my time fishing there try a beach or hill 60.

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