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Posts posted by tunastrike

  1. I used to live near the lane cove river and there are some big muddies in the river and also eaten alot but its only a few years back i heard about dioxin poison and pretty sure crabs would have it if the poison was up that far.Crazy what we do to our environment we only have one world.

  2. Yer there,s some good fishing to be had there but the place is a absolute mess with rubbish.I live near there and is so sad to see the coastline covered in rubbish if you take out there why cant you take it back and put it in a bin.

  3. I used to fish for jews alot when i lived in sydney but same rules apply if fishing for jews anywhere fresh bait is a must live squid live yakka or slimey or strips of either but must be fresh.Used to get them around the 8 day period of the fullmoon 4 days befor 4 days after with the 4 days after being more productive but also the new moon as well its about water movement thats what i think people might say different.One of the best spots was clarks point some reason they travel up there at certain times of year were jan to may but like all good jewman you have to put the hours in but when you get that big one its worth it.

  4. Just wondering if anyone has any idea where to find a more accuate weather forcast than seabreaze and bom I know there are things like the the bouy weather but im unable to find it any help would be appreciated thanks.

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