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Posts posted by netic

  1. Netic, enjoying your posts very much mate :074:

    its funny how you still call this bloke your 'mate' :074:

    i agree with you about being helpful to fellow fishos as we all really appreciate it!

    ive caught small jewies (3-4kgs) from the shore there and there are actually a couple of drop offs in that area. Maybe we should have a mini Raider social there one night this week?

    those livies can be a bitch to track down, give Abbotsford wharf a go next time as its close to the spot and normally has heaps of yakkas as well as squid. Let us know if your heading out, i know another Raider wholl be in for sure.

    Mate unfortunately 2 trips in a week is enough night fishing for me,,,froze my ass off yesterday.....the only fishing excitement i will be seeing over the next few months is the reports i read here.

    Definately dont have the patients to be a jew fisho, although they are a great fish to catch.

    In regards to my so called "mate" (jewknob) if i look back i am happy he is so secretive, i have had a ball tormented his life, he is probably having nightmares about me and now he has to stand on guard everytime he is fishing. He actually isnt a close mate but used to be.....having been good friends for around 5 years with him...mainly because he is a knob and acts the way he does.....

    Anyway i gotta go and wash the boat after last night....good luck all

    hahaha good stuff netic,

    try around rose bay wharf for the squid


    I did mate, for around an Hour, nothing at all....and i was armed with the best selection of Yozuri's and Yamashitas

  2. Hey all,

    Well went out tonight to see if i could get me some more Jews after hearing my mate was out and about.

    Hit the water about six and Had trouble getting any live bait, went everywhere and no yakkas were to be found.

    Then pulled up at cliffo to see if we could get some squid or yakkas there.

    As we got onto the wharf noticed some fresh squid ink, As i wandered around chatting to the fisho's on the wharf i saw the 2 squid that were caught, they were massive. The fisho who caught them looked at me and said "are u a raider?"...I said yes (he regonised me from my Jew pic) and then we proceeded to have a chat about my jew night on Thursday saying he had a great laugh over it.

    Then i informed him about my live bait troubles, He then told me i could have the squid heads on his 2 massive squid, Great Bloke. First time i had met a raider in the water and it was great chatting to him and i really appreciate him giving me the squid heads, unfortunately i cannot remember what his nick is as i didnt hear it clearly.

    But mate i know you will be reading this...Thanks alot

    Anyway, Armed with my squid heads decided to go and find the JewKnob...(new name for my secretive mate). Met up with my mates at the wedding cakes who had seen him earlier and were very happy to take me straight there.

    As soon as i got there Jewknob was really pissed, went right next to him and he had 2 jews in his boat (son of a b...tch...always seems to get them) But they wernt overly large...around 6-8 kgs.

    Threw my anchor down and launched the squid heads in.....

    Unfortunately didnt get anything all night, Jewknob got another one when i was there but he was using live yakkas and Tailor for bait which i didnt have any of either.... now i reckon this spot is even better then the other spot...

    Now we had a bit of bitching about my last "secret spot post" but i am going to reveal this spot also... In my last post i said i beleived that if you help people they will help you back. I didnt have to wait too long...The raider at Cliffo gave me those squid heads, if i was a little bitch boy like Jewknob i am sure he wouldnt have helped me out. MOral of the storie is " Be kind, Be helpful and people will be kind and helpful back".

    Here is the details on the spot, Now i believe that this spot will be the Sydney juno, actually reminds of Juno in some ways. Now this spot may already be known, but if it isnt here it is.

    Look for the drop off....fgoes from around 8 metres to around 18 metres...see pic for details

    Good luck all and let me know how you go

  3. This is great stuff. I'm being thoroughly entertained. :thumbup:

    I'm just unhappy that I'm out of town this weekend and can't head down to Luna Park myself to join the masses!! It'll be like an unplanned Fishraider social!!

    Keep up the good work guys.


    All in good fun buddy

  4. that's fine... but the reason squid stocks change from season to season is cause the masses are told where the squid are on - they all converge on the same spot - guess what? all fished out, i wonder why? time to find a new spot.

    I prefer to keep my cagey squid and jew spots under my belt...

    I know where to get my squid from and i had to work very hard to figure out how and where to get them from, nobody helped me and i waisted countless hours inspecting shorelines for Weedbeds. I asked everybody (not on this site as it wasnt around then) and nobody helped me with shit.

    So if i can stop someone from going through the headache of going through that i say why the hell not.

    Mate i have learn 1 thing since i got into fishing and that is that if you help someone out they never seem to forget. And trust me, it does not matter how much you think you know people can always help you out with info.

    As to squid stocks, mate they do change from season to season for other reasons then being fished out, Maybe its time for you to visit Squidfish.net and do some research.

    I think the best thing about this site is the fact that there are quite a few fisho's who regurlarly post accurate reports and actually do want to help people. Unlike other sites which just seem to be about nothing but Pro Anglers giving us vague reports that are completely the opposite to what really happened.

    Mate if you wanna be like my KNOB Jew fisho mate and keep your spots secret, thats your perogative, i choose not too and hopefully i will gain a few mates from helping people as i see fishing as a major part of my life till the day i die.

    And rumour now has it that my Jew fisho mate has a second spot that he is fishing tommorrow night....and i am going out on a mission to find him.... So hopefully with any luck i will have a new jew to show you all and another spot to try for everyone.

  5. By the way, may I ask what was the jew caught on? Tailor or yakka or squid?

    And are there many snags? ( obviously i am planning a session now) :1prop:

    last time i fished in the harhour for jewie, lost about 30 sinkers and loads of hooks, but didn't even get a jewie touch.

    The pictured jew was caught on the tailor and the lost jew was on the squid.

    Didnt get any snags at all, could have just been lucky

  6. you find a good spot and your gonna cruel yourself by telling everyone? each to their own i guess. :05: could be the juno point of the harbour (in more ways than one) :1fishing1:

    Mate in all honesty, i dont fish for jews too much, and never will get into Jew fishing on a regurlar basis, So me telling people the spot will not harm me at all. I would rather tell fellow raiders and hopefully then next season when other raiders find good king and squid stocks at certain places they might tell me as squid stocks can change from season to season.

    Mate i beleive "what goes around comes around" If you help people out in time they will return the favour.

  7. Hey all,

    well at around 6.00pm tonight my mate came around and said lets go fishing, as i don't like night fishing too much said no, after around an hour of busting my balls he convince me to go, so got the boat ready and off we went.

    I have a mate that says he is getting jews every night he hits the harbour and has photo's to prove it, but he will not tell me where the hell he gets them from because the last time he told me a spot i was there the next day with everyone i knew fishing it. I believe in sharing spots and not hiding them as in most cases everyone will figure them out anyway.

    Anyway got to gladesville ramp by 8pm and went and got some bait , 2 Tailor, 4 Yakkas and 1 squid within an hour, The tailor were 37cm, a little big but we thought hey give it go.

    As i was going back down the river i noticed a very familar boat, Its him my mate yelled and yes it was, my Jew fisho buddy, and boy was he spewing when he saw me, I had found his secret spot.

    Asked him if he had caught anything and he said no, thought f..ck it anchor up and give it a go, anchored around 30 metres away from him and threw all the baits down....

    This is the part i hate about jew fishing.....the waiting.....i am not a pateint man and thats why i chase Kings and dollies....

    anyway after around five minutes we hear a rachet for a second...look over and nothing then a second later it buckles and starts to scream, i grab the rod and i am on....after around 5-6 minutes i land my first jew for this year.... weighs in at 11.4 kgs.

    Whilst i am trying to get the treble out of his mouth the other rod buckles, my mate grabs the rod and he is on, the first run on his fish lasted around 40 seconds and must have taken atleast 25 metres of line, mind you this is on a rod that has 40lb line and has the drag set at around 5kg, so 40 seconds is a damn good run.

    Well anyway after around 5 minutes minutes he loses the fish and he is spewing, never got to see the bastard but he was definately bigger then mine....

    Anyway we fish for another hour or so for nothing, after that we decided to leave and as we are leaving my Jew Fisho mate asks for whatver live bait we have left.

    as we pull up alongside him we look in and he has 4 jews on board, 1 was massive, must have been 20kg+..... Tell him why didnt you tell me you caught and he gives me some lame ass story...obviously told me he caught nothing so i wouldnt anchor there in the first place and the jews can be all his.

    Anyway after that came home and here i am writing the report.

    By the way, the spot is at Kirribilli, on the Western side on the bridge around 30-50 metres away from the Luna Park Wharf.... Cause he lied i want everyone to screw his spot up... There are plenty of jews there and obviously 2 hours before and after the tide change is the perfect time. Good Luck Raiders

  8. Hi, mate i also love chasing my summer species, Kings, Tunas and Dollies.

    The only light sportfish you can get through winter is Australian Salmon, Which are ok fighters but a terrible table fish (as i have been told seeing i dont eat fish).

    You can still chase kings but it is hard to find them, both the Harbour and Pittwater hold a good number of residents but you need to find where they are. If you do get some residents they will be a real good size.

    Other than that you can get some Tailor, which on light gear can be fun. But unfortunately in Sydney there are not many options when fishing the harbour during winter. Thats why my boat has a rest for 6 months...Its too bloody cold anyway...

  9. Hey guys, mate my GPS has been playing up lately and i thought i would see if anyone could help

    Its a Lowrance ifinder cheapo handheld and last trip i made it could get a fix on its location after being turned on for an hour.

    Figured it was stuffed and then when i got home and turned it on it got a fix in a couple of minutes.

    Does the Alum from the boat effect its chances of getting a fix?? or is there another reason for this problem...

  10. Mate i recently purchased the Lowrance ifinder and do have regrets,

    It can take ages to get a fix on its position and is very hard to use, i recommend you get the Garmin one

  11. Hey buddy, mate i was out there on sunday aswell, i got there around 7.30am so i would have been one of the boats you saw, my plans were to go to the waverider another 5 kms away from the registered fad but it was way too choppy so decided to go back in.

    I havent caught a dollie from that FAD for a few weeks, its only good in the middle of the season as the water is only 50 metres deep and it is a little too close to shore.

    The waverider is another 5 kms out and the water is around 95 metres deep, much better numbers and sizes and the waverider is not as well known so you seem to get it to yourself most of the time.

    So in closing you did nothing wroung you just got there a month too late, if you wanna get dollies this time of year you will have to visit the BB wide FAD or get some co-ordinates for some private fads or waveriders.

  12. well done on a good night session, mate there are quite alot of jews around in the harbour at the moment, a mate of mine who is a jewy king is getting 2-3 jews a session in the harbour, the bastard wont tell me where though cause he thinks i will tell everyone ( and he's right). He catches all his bait himself

  13. Mate congrats on your new boat and welcome to the site,

    First of all i would say before you venture out be sure of what your doing and what the conditions are for the day, Its all good that you want to go out but be sure you know how to handle bad conditions if they do appear.

    Secondly we would all love to catch anything up to 15kg but it takes hard work, plenty of patients and alot of research. I have only passed the 15kg mark a few times and i have been offshore countless times, And all 3 times i caught my 15kg plus fish it was in the estuary.

    Find out if you want to chase pelagics or go bottom bashing for some reef fish.

    There are various different websites that give you GPS co-ordinates for good offshore reefs that can give you some good size fish.

    You can also go to the various offshore FADS but there are unwritten rules to follow in the way of etiquette at the FADS. And if you dont follow them you will cop a fair bit of abuse.

    But before you go out make sure you know how to handle your boat, i owned a boat for 2 years and went fishing nearly every week in that 2 years before i decided to start going offshore, and after well over 100 offshore trips i still dont know shit.

    When it comes to boating always remember you got to learn to crawl before you walk

    Good Luck

  14. Mate the best thing to do is ensure no freshwater touches it, seal it up so the frost off freshwater cannot build up on it. If freshwater does not touch it, it should be fine to use

  15. Going to the Sydney Waverider to try for the Dollies on Sunday but the only problem is i promised the wife i would take her to the game at Leichardt (hope i can do both) Great weather is predicted so if anyone wants to get out there this weekend is looking good. Look forward to reading the reports on Monday.

    Good luck

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