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Posts posted by Slink

  1. post-15959-085114700 1329463626_thumb.jpgNice work mate ,

    We hit the northern fads last week and managed 4 legal dollies and a good size rainbow runner.It is strange to have the RR's here and good to know that you also hooked up on one. I love the dollies , they taste sooo good.

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  2. Also bud , throw the 27 meg in the bin and get a vhf . If you are heading out there the 27 will be useless . Get yourself a vhf radio and you will be far safer as well as being able to chat to all the boats far around. Safety is paramount.

  3. I will be heading to the northern fads tomorrow early , hopefuuly they would have grown since 2 weeks ago , we caught a few but all undersize. Also other big fish have been caught in close so I hope that the water is still warm and blue out there.PM me if you are heading out and we can let each other know where the fish are.I will be launching at bayview around 5am.

    Call sign is Kooper on vhf 21.

  4. Hi PT ,

    I have just bought myself the xtra heavy duty Terez and a stella 20000. Cost a bomb for the combo but now I have it and I expect that it will last forever and my young fella will enjoy it later on. I have heard that the rods are the goods and they have alot of hurt to dispense on predators.My mate in the tackle store loaded it up for me and I was very impressed with the curve and power in the lift . I think that the combo you are going for will be sweet and also versatile so livebaiting , trolling etc will not be a problem.Keep us posted on your thoughts once popping a massive king !! Good luck

  5. Mate I am heading to the northern fads , I really hope that the fish are there otherwise I will be heading wider if the weather permits.There are heaps of traps out there too.PM me your radio channel and call sign and we can give a report of different fads.


  6. Hi there ,

    I will be towing the seafarer to port this weekend to troll skirts and hard bodies around, also troll livies.Is anyone else heading up there ? If so PM me and we can stay in contact.

    Good luck everyone


  7. Well after a long wait I am finally towing the boat up to port this weekend, cant wait.I havent fished there before and have only heard good reports of the place.My question is has anyone been lately and if so how did you go ?

    I want to troll skirts and livies for tuna , beakies , dollies and would like to chase kings also.I have heard that there is bait around Tomaree head and trolling around Broughton Island and The Sisters can be productive.

    I have a Tiagra 50W and a Stella 20000 that are yet to land a big fish so hopefully I will get them screaming.

    Can anyone give me any local knowledge to make my trip much easier ?

    I will put a report in next week when I get back.

    Thanks heaps.


  8. Totally agree also ,

    I have had to listen to that idiot a number of times now , hopefully someone will see him on the radio soon and let us all know who he is and what boat he has.He must fish alone I reckon , who would be able to sit in a boat with the idiot all day ?

  9. Well I headed to the fads today 4 am ,my buddy pulled out at the last minute so I went solo , nothing to report out there really green water and 18 degrees . I trolled different lures for about 3 hours for nothing . Good news is that there are traps everywhere.

    It was pretty windy, southerly, so I decided to head in to a spot I found a few weeks ago , I had 10 livies and new that I might have a shot at a king . I had a TLD25 and Stella 8000 and first pass was 2 rats .

    This spot is new to me as I found it 2 weeks ago , it looked really fishy but really shallow , less then 10 meters . I sent out 2 yakkas and they got hammered by rats before I could sit down.Next pass I got a double hook-up , by myself I had to grab a rod and drive for deeper water while fighting kings , really exciting.

    Anyway this happened all morning , no one around and kings everywhere , I would stop and check my livies sometimes and you should of seen the rats following the yakkas up , just crazy action.

    Managed to land and gaff a 8 kg fish solo and was stoked , yahooing to myself , really good fun in shallow water.

    I got dusted twice more by bigger fish then got hooked up to a fish that was pulling a locked stella like nothing else , mental pressure. I had to gun it to deeper water before I even turned the reel. Once i had him in 10mts put the e-tec in neutral and worked on the king , adrenalin was maxing ,once he surfaced I had my first glance at what was pulling 25kg drag easily. So I had the gaff in one hand while trying to hold the fish in the other , every time he saw the boat he would turn his head and dive , please , please ,please dont bust me !!

    I sank the gaff eventually and hauled my PB king on board . I weighed him on digital scales at a fish shop and he went 10.25 kg gilled and gutted .

    Really happy , was a great day by myself and the other good thing is that whilst I was fighting the bigger king he had 3 mates all the same size behind him.

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  10. Hi Morgs ,

    Why would you need anything more than a big sea anchor on a boat that size ? The parachute anchors I though were for much bigger boats eg trawlers ,if you get into trouble they hold the boat into the swell and therefore much steadier and safer.

    Just curious , does he go really wide ?

    Cheers Morgs


  11. I usually park on the southern side of the pittwater road bridge. Around Jameson Park there are shallow sand banks scattered, thats where I have caught them in the past. But there are also heaps at the carpark near the mouth at north narrabeen beach , just the current gets pretty fast as the tide moves in and out so it can be a bit difficult. But there are plenty all through the lake so maybe go for a drive at a few places and see what you can.


  12. I uaually get the poddies from narrabeen lake using simple poddie traps and bread , pretty easy just set the trap in the shallows then read the paper for 20 minutes. Go and check thetraps and usually there will be poddies in them. The warmer months like now are much better , usually you can find them first by walking up and down the shoreline.


  13. Hi Folks ,

    I am going to tow the Seafarer up to a mates houes at Port Stephens in a couple of weeks , looking forward to it big time. We will be hoping to catch bait then either slow troll for kings or drag big lures around for anything on top .

    Only problem is that I havent been out fishing there before so I dont have any spots or Gps marks .

    Can any of you kind people point me in the right direction ? What are they getting there at the moment ?

    Thanks guys


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