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Posts posted by Lucky

  1. Hi there Raiders,

    having recently come down with a non terminal but seemingly incurable form of fishingitis, I have found myself venturing further out in search of ever bigger, feistier and tastier fish. The problem , however is that my skill set and tackle box are firmly stuck in the world of bait soaking, with a branching out into soft plastics. This just won't do, so a trip to the local tackle shop to put a smile on the owners face is due.

    Therefore, in an unashamedly blatant effort to benefit from fellow raiders hard earned experience, I invite you to nominate your ALL TIME, TOP 5, FAVOURITE FISHING LURES.:thumbup:

    If you could have only five lures, these would be the ones. I'm looking for your Angelina Jolie of fishing lures, not your Julia Gillards.

    A good start would be the name, size and colour of the lure, with a brief description of where and how you use it, what species you target with it and maybe a photo would be excellent. Remember to nominate the Angelina Jolie of your top 5 too!

  2. I thought the inboard computer logged the hours and couldn't be changed, so the mechanic can hook up his analyzer tuner thing and check it. Suzikis give a readout on the tacho at start up that tells you the hours. Maybe individual brands have different systems.

  3. Aus 1 ROE(rest of the empire)4 with our only win coming after the ashes have been decided. Rod Marsh did a great job setting up their academy, unfortunately.

    How do you know the English(ROE) cricket team is on your plane?

    The engines have stopped, but you can still hear the whining.

  4. Dioxins have been linked to deformities in newborn animals, one particular study in Florida showed significant deformities in alligators. So, if your not planning to have kids in the future, perhaps it's not a big issue, but if you are planning to have kids it could be a big deal.

  5. Seems like it was a quiet weekend with very few fishing reports posted. I fished Botany Bay both days with a mix of live yakkas and baits, for no results. Closest I got was on Saturday when I had something grab my yakka, two big tugs on the rod, no hookup and yakka gone. Reading another post somewhere, it was mentioned that the fish go off the bite with a northerly as it blows dust into the water. Any old salts prepared to give an opinion whether it was the northerly, the tides, water temps, moon phase, etc?

  6. G'day Darkhorse, I've got bearing buddies too. I carry a grease gun in the boot of the car and after each retrieve I top up both bearings. The drive home then forces out any water and coats the bearings. Easy and effective.

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