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Posts posted by MrGenius

  1. We use a template system on our forums and delete any ads that dont use the template, it is simple and effective. You can add the template to the forum software so it automatically comes up when new topic is clicked.

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  2. After looking at all the different options i ended up getting a Crystal Blue 10-15kg 6'6"

    Cant have a new rod and put an old reel on it so now i require a reel...

    3 Reels that were suggested

    1. Penn 750SSM

    2. Okuma EC-90 or EV90 cant remember

    3. Shimano 6500 baitrunner

    Any other suggestions that would suit around the 200 pineapple mark fire away.

    Want to run 30-50lb braid on it



  3. I heard a rumour a few years back that a bull shark was caught at wilberforce near windsor. I am pretty sure that it was in the local haweksbury gazette newspaper.


    Wouldnt surprise me, we have seen 1 or 2 at lower portland over the years

  4. Had a look at the Crystal Blues this afternoon very nice rods, light feel, well balanced and reasonably priced. Looked at a few ugly stiks too but the crystal was much nicer.

    Will look at the other suggestions live fibre etc b4 i decide

  5. Hi there.

    I have just bought a 10-15K Live Fibre for pretty much the same reasons. It is the RLF8 model and its 6'6. There is a 7' 8-15K model. The only reason I didn't buy that one was because it is one piece and would have trouble taking it the plane to go on holiday. :1fishing1:


    That sounds like a good option ill have to go and check that one out :thumbup:

    Whats your price range?

    For the $100 mark its hard to go past the good ol Ugly Stik.

    Happy to spend up to 250 for the rod but value for money is what im looking for which is where the ugly stik will fit in.

  6. Hi Greg,

    In reality i dont think ill be fighting any large fish straight up and down haha just the usual average size reef species when out on a charter.

    I wanted closer to 7ft so when i go up north i could chuck some poppers and big plastics etc but heavier than the rods i already have.

    I might be dreaming to get something that suits both?

    Thanks for the reply



  7. Looking for a 10-15kg spinning rod or possibly up to a 24kg if its a better option around the 7' mark

    It will be matched to a reel loaded with 30-50lb braid.

    Primary uses will be bottom bashing, big plastics and live baiting.

    Any suggestions for something that fits the bill?



  8. They are good pictures, i'm guessing you have a good camera phone?

    Nokia N95 with the 5 megapixel camera it takes some very good pics for what it is

    Well done on the jewfish MrGenius! :thumbup: . Just a little unlucky catching soapies Nathan and not striking a couple of the Hawesbury's oversize models.


    jewgaffer :1fishing1:

    Hey Byron, I was hoping a couple of the bigger ones were going to come to the party but it didnt happen! I had a live tailor out and a yacka aswell hoping but hey beggers cant be choosers and the little tackers were good enough for me!

    if you don't mind me asking what did you use for bait ??

    Peeled banana prawns from my local shopping centre fish market :biggrin2:

  9. Went up to the Hawkesbury for the weekend arriving on friday about 11:30am.

    The incoming tide was slowing down so i thought i better get my gear all ready and wander down onto the pontoon and throw a line out.

    First cast and my bait gets nailed midwater and im thinking this feels like a good bream but to my surprise its a small jew, mind you i have never caught a jewie before ever even after spending hours and hours in places people tell me they are frequently caught. Quick photo and back it went.

    Second cast i feel a few taps and then something has a better go and i hook up to something that has a bit of go but no weight to it and up to the surface comes a little chopper. Out comes the hook and back he goes.

    Third cast and another take mid water this time it has a lot more go than the last two fish and i fight it on the 12lb mono with a light drag when i see that nice big silver flash that i saw on the first cast its another soapie but this time its a better size at a touch under 50cm, few pics and back it went too.

    The next hour or so was filled with some bream and a truckload of little choppers who were smashing everything we threw at them. As the tide started to speed up and we couldnt hold bottom without 5kg of lead we jumped in the boat to do a few drifts over some flats where we picked up a few more schoolies, squid, bream, choppers and a few nice flatties in the 45-55cm range. Everything went back in the drink except for the flatties which became dinner for my mum.

    Sat and Sun were basically a repeat of friday but with no jews just all the other species.

    All in all a good weekend and even better to have caught some jews even tho they werent massive :1fishing1:

    Heres a couple of pics off my phone




  10. An old thong[the type that go on ya feet] works perfect for resealing an old pump too for those of you who have pumps that no longer work.

    Just mark out the washer diameter cut it out and away ya go :1fishing1:

  11. I get sick as and have spewed for 8 hours straight many times :074:

    What ive found works well is:

    No alcohol at all

    1 Kwell the night before

    1 when wake up with some toast and a drink

    1 b4 step foot on boat

    Drink heaps of fluids [water, cordial etc] and eat plenty

  12. Looking for an allrounder combo that can be used in most situations offshore ie. bottom bouncin, trolling lures or jigging whatever it may be.

    Looking for a spin outfit only and at the lower end of the price scale as its only going to get used every pancake day out on charters and the like.

    It was suggested that i use a Penn 750ssm attached to a Shimano tcurve 200.

    So basically something 15kg+ spinning setup is what im looking for.

    Any suggestions or thoughts would be great, dont care what brand etc as long as it does the job!


  13. Started off on Sunday by going out to Kurnell, was going to throw some plastics around and see how we went, had a couple of casts before some inconsiderate people started to get in our way so we decided to get out of there before we got any more pissed off.

    Went over to maianbar and arrived just as the tide started to come in. I headed straight for one of the sand banks and cast up into the shallow and jigged it down off the ledge and second cast i was on to a flattie.

    It was a bit of a dead weight until it got into the shallow water and it had a few runs, it was a very fat fish at just under 40cm. I got a pic of it but it didnt turn out.

    Anyway i released that one and chucked another cast in the same spot, flipped the bail arm over and lifted the rod and was on, didnt even have to jig it, this made my mate real happy :074:

    It was much smaller and under legal size so a quick pic and back it went

    That was pretty much it as the tide rolled in things went quiet, my mate tried out a 35mm R2S Bubble pop in pink and had whiting following it but couldnt get them to hit it so thats a mission for next time.

    I won 2-0 as the flathead were the only species caught and under our rules they get counted in this situation haha!


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