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Posts posted by hnsgeq

  1. Hi there. I've been in both a Stabi and also in a 670C Bar Crusher. Been caught out in really bad weather in both and to be very honest, there was little in it in terms of comfort in very rough conditions. Both handled superbly. Personal preference would be the Stabi as it "felt" safer and stability at rest also felt slightly better but I think that was only my imagination.

    Both fantastic boats and you cannot go wrong with either.

    Buy one and enjoy!!!

  2. Hi. I had a transom professionally replaced a few years ago on my 1975 Stejcraft runabout. the timber that went into the transom is much thicker and stronger than the timber that came out of it, so from a strength perspective, it is stronger now than it was when the boat was built. I have no regrets getting the transom replaced.

    I agree though with Obey1 re the floor and stringers because it's now time for me to do the floor in my boat as it is "soft" in places, ie it has some riot in it. Old fibreglass boats are a bit like old cars, ie they need to be maintained and have money spent on them. If you like the boat you should buy it, however you need to know that it may require further work/money in the future. If you ever have to do the floor and the stringers, then you basically have a new old boat.

    All the best with it.

  3. Guys,

    Would anyone know where in Sydney I moght be able to get some bearings for an old boat trailer I have.

    The trailer is about 40 years old and surprisingly, it's still holding up okay but needs bearings.

    I think the bearings are imperial size and both the frinner and outer bearings are the same size.

    The trailer runs small 8 inch rims in height with the bearings preseed into the rims themselves.

    Thank you.

  4. Thanks Huey. I haven't had a chance to get back to the boat for a week or so. It's stored at a mate's place down the South Coast and I live in Sydney.

    What I did find in my shed was an old water pump kit box that had a faded part number on it. The part number looked like FK 1033 (I think).

    Can you please let me know if this makes any sense to you? Thanks mate.

  5. G'day Coasty1. That's great! Best thing you can ever do is go from a pretty rusty (plus other words I won't use or I might have my mouth washed out with soap and water) to a nice new trailer.

    Did you get a multi roller trailer or one with skids? I see the skid type trailers are making a come back and not really sure why as multi roller trailers are much easier to use.....

  6. Definitely the Toyota is the way to go.

    I have a mate who has one, has been treated very badly and still goes like a train! He has no regrets but I bet the Toyota wishes he'd bought something else! Hope this helps.

  7. Well done, excellent fish there!

    I too was taught how to fish by my dad and remember going out with him when I was a young kid and catching the occassional Kingy!

    He's older, or should I say elderly now and I try to get him on the water once or twice a year and we both still love spending time together.

    Go those Kings and long live the fishing sessions with our dads!

  8. Hi Flano.

    From my view only, the water in Sydney Harbour is terrible right now. I have been out a couple of times recently and the water was green which is very unusual.

    Hopefully the rain will stop soon and the water quality will return (be it good or bad, it will be back to normal hopefully!).

  9. Howdy.

    Yes this stuff looks very good. Definitely makes a boat look heaps better and safer and would like to fit some to by boat but would you know whether it "sweats". This is a worry for me because I have a very old hull and am worried about the floor rotting out if it has anything on it because it may be constantly wet.

    I put marine carpet in my boat for a short time but ripped it up pretty quick because the floor stayed damp days after I washed the boat.

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you.

  10. Howdy all.

    I was wondering if anyone can help me out. I have an old Chrylser 120HP engine that needs a water pump.

    It has a 2 piece gearbox rather than 1 piece gearbox.

    Does anyone know where I might be able to buy one from and roughly how much they cost?


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