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Posts posted by ozeash

  1. Put my hand up for the social - picnic or pub, whatever....

    As an attendee of both the Entrance and BB Social, I can tell you that this is the BEST fishing place to be :thumbup::thumbup:

    CFD - why don't you organise it mate? Or if you can't, let me know, I'll drive this social. Any ideas of where to meet, Marlin-Madness your point noted!!



  2. Ash: Couldn't quite refrain from another post once I read this. Once again, no offense intended.

    are you telling me that if im sitting in my boat for say like 4 hours chasing a particular fish and some guy that has no idea about the river he is fishing has the right to anchor wher ever he wants?

    Ash: Yes, he does. Maybe he doesn't know enough, but he certainly has the right do so. Your post now begins to reek of superiority, because you "KNOW" what you are doing...

    and thats because he has a fishing licence but has no fishing ettiquet he can just do what ever he wants ?

    Ash: True, fishing etiquette is important, but how does one learn this etiquette? I haven't seen a recent post on etiquette, but am sure you can post one? Perhaps, one of the moderators would "pin" that in the forum.

    sounds wrong to me if the average fisherperson is after just a feed maybe they should do a bit of research of the river they want to fish just because i chase jews doesnt mean i own the spot im fishing but some people just dont understand what happens when someone anchors ontop of your lines

    Ash: Not wrong mate. I've spent the last 18 months "researching" where I should fish for jews and there have been a few times I've just anchored off a few "spots" and hung a line out. Just bear in mind that there is a learning curve for everyone, and not all people are blessed with you innate ability to find the big jews.

    maybe 1 day you might be lucky to get a monster like that and you will only pray that no one is anchored to close to you coz you can say goodbye to your fish of a lifetime

    Ash: Maybe not. If I lost it to a novice's lack of knowledge, I'd probably feel shitty about it, but wouldn't blame them.


  3. the problem with junno is that everyone knows it is good fishing hole for big jews but the problem is that out of 15 boats that are there , there is only 3 or 4 boats that know how to fish junno, therefor boats that are there anchor anywhere and have absolutly no idea how to fish and are making it hard for the real fisherman.

    i think everyone has the right to fish where ever they want but think about the people who were there first and most people get out there small rods fishing for anything. not knowing that they are ruining it for the jew fishermen

    sorry for raving on but i get frustrated big time with people with little knowledge of where they are fishing

    cheers see you guys next time on the water



    Understand your pain, BUT, everybody has the right to try a "spot" mate. As opposed to being frustrated by people ruining your fishing, have you considered if it'd be equally gratifying to impart knowledge to those that don't know enough? Not saying, you should do a Fishing 101, but, surely, you can share some of your wisdom, no??

    Anyway, I don't intend to offend you wayneo, nor turn this into one of those posts that go nowhere. Just a suggestion.

    Tight lines,


  4. Corrine,

    Bear in mind that there was 7.3MB of 'global' space available, not 'personal' space!! So, we need to keep pics low res and smaller in size for all users to share that available space. The link below tells you how to do that. http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...t=0entry93752



    PS: I know fishing in the wind can be hard, I seldom venture out when it's anything over 5 - 7 knots. Bookmark http://www.seabreeze.com.au/graphs/qld.asp which gives you 7 day wind, wave and tide forecasts in QLD.

  5. Welcome back Corrine, jewhunter has given you some great advice to begin with. Only wish I'd joined this forum in the days when I was learning to figure out what all the darn knobs on the reel meant!

    Here's how I taught Ash Jnr -

    Rule # 1: Learn to tie a good knot. If you're a beginner, rather than learning the blood knot, you might be better off learning the Uni knot, a much better knot. You will have much more faith in your ability to land a fish if your knots are good.

    Rule # 2: Fish with as little weight as possible (i.e.) match the sinker to the conditions around you. More often than not, especially from a pier, you'll find fish right under where you stand, so you don't need to break the casting distance record.

    Rule # 3: Hook selection is critical and it's important to 'match the hatch' (i.e.) choose the hook that your target fish can take. For example, no point using a 5/0 hook to catch a bream! When you do catch a fish (and it's met its maker), pry open the jaws and see how big it can actually open its jaws to eat your bait. Sounds weird I know, but very effective because you can then judge what hook you need.

    Rule # 4: Present the bait well. For example, if you're using a prawn, the prawn should look real enough for the fish to be tempted. No point having the prawn all curled up along the hook, because that's not how they look in their natural environment. Same with any other bait. I have my boy put the bait on and ask him to think if he were a fish, would he be tempted to eat it?

    Rule # 5: Keep your rig as simple as you can. I primarily fish for bream, flathead and whiting and my rig for all these fish are almost identical. Fish get spooked very easily, so keep it simple. Here's what I use - Sinker on the main line to suit conditions (sometimes none at all if it's very calm), followed by a swivel. Then to the other end of the swivel, I add a 'trace' which is essentially a 60cm length of line and a hook at the bottom of the trace. Simple. This will catch you any number of feeds.

    When you're confident with catching the common fish, you can begin experimenting with other rigs, knots, line types etc. Hope this helps.

    Keep the pictures coming.

    Oh yes, before I forget, you might want to fish Redcliffe, just off the pier on the Western end. I've had some sensational fishing up there.....



  6. :1happybday: stewy. I'm gonna have a nice cold one and toast you this arvo mate. Here's to one of the nicest guys I know :thumbup::thumbup:

    Hope you have many more to come mate and I look forward to catching up with you sometime soon.



  7. Good to see the little fella enjoying such a wonderful sport.

    My little fella loves it also and always asks Jim if he has caught any Marlin yet and pretends to fish in his room. He told me the other day he caught a 100m mullet!

    Next step is to teach him not to Bull shit! :tease: funny

    :biggrin2::biggrin2: know the feeling. I've been trying to explain to jnr the definition of metres / cms and legal size et al., but he can't seem to help but think that the fish he catches are usually 30 METRES and above!



  8. Love these damn fish. They're fun on light tackle and great for a feed as well. I've caught heaps of them on live blood worms. And yes, the Berkley Gulp range of worms look as good as the real thing, haven't tried out my recent purchase yet.

    Sharky - Yes, I have heard of the red tubing work wonders, and tried it even last weekend, but funnily enough caught nothing. The moment I took the tubing off, bites all around......Interesting ain't it?



  9. :1welcomeani: Corrine, good to see you getting started in this sensational pastime of ours. Great things start small, and it won't be long before you start pulling in enough fish for a feed and more. Need any help, drop the raiders a post, you won't find a more friendly and helpful bunch anywhere else.



  10. Hi all,

    I must admit, in all honesty, that joining this forum has contributed immensely to my life experience, and I cannot fathom a day without fishing, a feeling I never had before.

    But probably the most poignant and touching moment I've experienced is the sight of Ash Jnr., my mate, and faithful fishing companion, practising his casts in our living room. He's found himself a 'half' rod, reel and rigged it to a plastic fish and away he's gone. Right now, he's flicking plastics, NOT bait and pretending that he's landed his PB flattie - 34cms :yahoo::yahoo: . See photo attached.

    This site, the people I've met here and their genuine interest in teaching a novice, has eventually found its way to the next generation, for which I'm grateful. Thanks to everyone here.




    The PB flattie


  11. Great, we now have -

    Ozeash (me)




    I have asked Ross for tentative dates and I will post these when I get them.

    3 more places to go......if other raiders are interested, put your name down, quick. They won't last long.



  12. G'day all,

    Once again, Ash Jnr and I decided to spend the day out fishing and after a wasted hour or so at Brooklyn decided to make the drive to Patonga.

    I find the Wetlands there fascinating, and this being my 4th time out there, I was *expecting* to have all my previous hardwork rewarded, and weren't we :yahoo:

    All fish were caught and landed by my boy, I just smoked cigars, relaxed and mended broken lines as the need arose. His tally was 1 flattie (34cms) his PB, 2 breams (25 & 26cms), 1 Blue Swimmer crab (10cm carapace) and 1 odd looking fish (brownish with yellow spots, about 15cms long). All except the flattie were released....I would've loved to keep the crab but left my fish size guide back in the car :05:

    What a great Easter Sunday! :thumbup:



    PS: I've only a photo of the flattie, my camera battery died on me after that. Will post the flattie pic tomorrow, as I'm doing my daily elbow bending exercises at this moment :beersmile::beersmile:

  13. G'day all,

    Having decided that I had the fishing itch as well as needed to discover some new spots, I woke my mate up (5yr old son :1prop:) early this morning and we headed out to find some new spots and wet a line or three.

    Started off with being the first fishos out at Blues Point Reserve, a first time for me out there, and we proceeded to rig up 2 rods - one with bait and the other with plastics. I could see what looked 70 - 80cm kingies about 10m from land, and that stoked us. Used whole squid on a ganged hook and 3" minnows on the other rod. About 2hrs worth of effort yielded us one (looked to be legal) snapper, which was released.

    Moved across to Greenwich which was just too crowded. We gave it a few casts, got hopelessly tangled with idiots who do not know to cast straight nor read the wind and it quickly went into the too hard basket.

    A bite to eat in Crows Nest saw us nourished to venture further afield and I set out to find some new spots to fish at. With the trusty UBD in hand, I checked out about 6 spots between Iron Cove and the Gladesville bridge. One particular spot, was absolutely sensational. In the space of 1hr there, I was busted off 6 times and each time it almost ripped my bream rod out of my hand. Gawd, I wish I'd landed one of them.... :05: Will be going back there this long weekend for sure.

    Lastly, with light fading, I went back to my trusted spot near the Gladesville Bridge for some tailor, bream and decent whiting. All were returned.

    Great day out. A cracker of a day in a cracker of a city.

    Cheers all,


  14. Gday raiders

    Long wkend is upon us, Im looking to travelling up to Apple Tree Bay for a bit of fish. Anyone fished up that area? Ill be land based and just fishing and be trying to find a nice shoreline.

    Anyone going on some monster fishing trip over the long weekend chasing marlin or anything like that?

    Or even if you are planning to fish with the family, post it up.

    All :1welcomeani:


    G'day Kev,

    I'm heading up on Saturday and Sunday for a fish. Will mostly be up in the Ku-ring-gai Chase NP too, fishing Illawong Point and surrounds. PM me if you wanna catch up for a fish.



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