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Posts posted by ozeash

  1. G'day raiders,

    I've had a number of raiders in the recent past express interest about going out on a game fishing charter. I made contact with Ross Hunter (www.gamefishingcharters.com.au), a sponsor of the Fishraider forum to learn a bit more about what they offer.

    The charters are currently in Port Stephens and will be back in Sydney mid-April. April is supposed to be an excellent time for Marlin fishing. One can usually expect to catch Marlin (Striped, Black, Blue), Mahi Mahi, Wahoo and Tiger Sharks.

    The total cost for the charter, accommodating upto 7 people is $1,350, which works out to about $195 per person for a fishing trip that you're unlikely to ever forget!

    I haven't gotten any dates off Ross yet, but if I have any takers I will arrange for us to make a firm booking.

    Let me know.



  2. Top session there Ash, a great way to christen the new outfit. Good to see the young fella enjoys his fishing as much as you do. :biggrin2:

    Were these fish bait or lure caught, and which bait/lure did the damage?



    G'day Shane,

    Whiting were caught on peeled prawn and the bream & flattie on pillies. Funnily enough they were caught on the head section (pillie cut in half) with the hook through the eye and out the gut of the pillie. I always thought that the tail section was more productive....



  3. G'day fishraiders,

    Just returned from an eventful day out at Chiswick with my 5 yr old.

    Set out this morning determined to explore some new spots with my 5yr old boy for company. Heard that Greenwich was fishing big tailor and I started there. A few casts out resulted in small snapper and the wind wasn't making things very pleasant as well. So we decided to move on and went to Chiswick.

    Great conditions in Chissie, sunny with very light wind. Straight up latched onto a decent flattie and a few casts later landed a great bream. This is when I really appreciated my new combo, on the 2 - 4kg Dropshot this was magic. Fishing with 6lb Fireline, I could get the cast out way yonder and feel every crest and trough on the seabed as well. Great stuff, I just love it.

    My son had a bit of a flick with my rod and landed himself a nice Whiting and an undersize bream which we released. Funny feeling guys, a li'l fella who's as enthusiastic as me, I'm so darn proud of him......

    Here are some pics, all of my son though, didn't quite find anyone to take a shot of my ugly mug :(

    Cheers all,


    My boy with his Whiting


    The undersize bream


    My bream


    The catch


    Junior pulling his weight, cleaning the catch


  4. G'day raiders,

    slayer, his mate marco and I set out yesterday arvo to find a few fish. With wind conditions being far from ideal many of our top spots in the hawkesbury would've been too hard too fish and we decided to start off at Roseville, fishing inside the Garigal National Park, about 2kms up the Lyrebird track.

    Found some magnificent spots with terrific potential, but struggled to catch a keeper. We caught heaps of bream, about the 20cm mark, but nothing to keep unfortunately.

    The day was great fun, especially when marco who's learning to fish, decided to take my crab pot out for a swim. Poor fella, slid in halfway off the rocks attempting to cast the pot out.

    Moved onto Clifton Gardens at dusk hoping to chase the kingies. slayer and I got busted off by freight trains when we tossed out unweighted squids in a berley trail. I hooked onto a beautiful occy, but failed to land him :mad3: His head was at least 30cms wide and gave my little bream rod a hell of a workout.

    Some irresponsible fishermen close by KEPT a whole heap of snappers, none longer than 20cms. Needless to say, we were powerless to stop the rape and pillage of illegal fish. They also caught a thumper bream, 40cms. Sometimes I wonder if there's any fairness in this world..... :ranting2:

    But, all in all, an enjoyable experience, marco and slayer were great company and we're sure going to do this session again.

    Cheers guys,


    BTW: Heard that big tailors are lurking at Greenwich. I'm heading out there now, so wish me luck.

  5. G'day fellow raiders,

    After much research and planning (including what suits the hip pocket!), I finally went out and purchased my new bream rod and reel.

    I am now the proud owner of a 2pc, 6'-6" Berkley Dropshot (2-4kg) with a Shimano Aernos 2000 reel carrying 6lb Fireline.

    Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure.

    My thanks to swordfisherman who provided excellent advice and patiently guided me through the purchase. Sorry mate, I couldn't wait until we met next weekend, it quickly became a case of ' I MUST have it TODAY'!

    Cheers all,




  6. Callala Beach was a waste of time for me 6 weeks ago, heaps of weed. Again, it wasn't supposed to be a fishing trip, so I spent a few hrs and headed back home, so I can't really point you to other spots.



  7. G'day all,

    I've been looking at doing some game fishing offshore. Has anyone on this site been on one of these charters? If so, would you recommend an operator?

    Also, please let me know if someone's already booked a charter and needs bums on seats, I'm happy to join. Alternatively, if some of you are prepared to join for a charter in April, that would be great too.



  8. Top weekend guys, sensational stuff. See pic attached. I've got another 20 or so pics that I'll post on Yahoo or some other such site where you can download them. Any ideas let me know, I'll only be posting them when the beer runs out tonight!

    You guys are the best fishos I've ever had the privilege of socialing with. Thanks Donna & Stewy, Brian & Teri for bringing it all together, putting on breakfast as well as for letting me crash the night!

    Cheers guys,


  9. G'day fellow Fishraiders,

    I haven't seen any progress on this thread, so is it safe to assume that those that expressed an interest in attending still do? The date is still 12/03, so let me know.

    shadda, I will add you in as well.

    The numbers now are -











    shadda + missus

    Total: 12

  10. Hi all,

    I have, as you've all done, read of the dioxin levels in harbour fish and their effects on humans. What concerns me is -

    1. Do we have anyway of knowing what levels of dioxin were prevalent in, say, the last 5 years? Grant, I sympathise with what you and family have been through, especially with the big 'c', and know that brings with it a certain degree of fatalism, but surely, not everyone will prescribe to the optimism you have.

    2. What can we, as a forum, and the local government do to educate key influencers in the fishing life cycle? Take for example, bait and tackle shops, I witnessed on Sunday a bait and tackle shop owner/employee advising a customer that the dioxin levels were a whole load of crock! To me, that is worrying.

    3. Finally, what can WE do to slowly but surely make this regress?

    To me, as just a normal citizen like any one of you, this issue appears to have been brushed under the carpet. The commercial fishermen have been / will be compensated, but there appears to be no interest shown towards the recreational angler, fishing, what is surely one of the most magnificent harbours on earth.

    I, for one, will be disappointed if this issues stays the way it is.

    I look forward to your views.



  11. Finally got the monkey off my back after a few weeks of crap fishing. Some decent bream that I caught with the troops this morning. I promised my son (5) to let all fishraiders know that he's so proud that he caught one by himself, although he's too busy with a lolly to acknowledge it in the photo!!! My daughter (4) wants you all to know that she's the berley queen because she's just not big enough to handle the rod all by herself. See the pics.



  12. G'day all,

    The numbers now are -



    rus_cb (only if it's before 26/02)









    Total: 10

    Can everyone confirm which of the 2 weekends are preferred pls?

    Swordie - Sorry you can't make it :05: . If things change let me know, as will I if the dates change.

    Outnumbered - Assuming that the 18th / 19th March is ok?



  13. well done ozeash... a good idea,

    hopefully everyone is not all social'd out by then

    any ideas of a particular target?

    i was thinking perhaps kings?

    seeing as there are a fair few of them around and a lot of members here are still trying to break their ducks

    kingies??.....me for sure, i'm still a virgin and only read of reports about my reel whizzing past at terminal velocity! :thumbup: I'm probably not qualified enough to comment on the target, being a bit of a novice, but, yeah mate, anything goes...!

  14. Hey Ash

    One of the best reports I've ever read of not catching a fish :074:

    I know the feeling mate, I haven't caught a keeper since before Chrissy, spent 3 hours yesterday fishing Wanda for zilch then another 2 hours off Lilly Pilly baths for 2 squid and no fish.

    But the babe sunbaking next to me in a very skimpy yellow bikini made it a bit more bearable :drool:

    yup rob, I'll second that to make things bearable :biggrin2:

    Everyone has days when nothing goes your way and as Mondo said, a lesser person would give it away, but then there's the days when everything goes right and you can't stop hooking up.

    Stick with it Ash, and before you know it you'll be posting reports with heaps of fishy pics. :thumbup:



    you hit the nail on the head mate, i've had days when the arms get tired and say enough fishing!! obviously, this wasn't one of those days, but I'm REALLY looking fwd to the next one. Cheers, A

  15. we're up for either :thumbup:

    we could have a combined boat / shore based day and meet up somewhere like brighton beach for a picnic lunch.

    then maybe the boaties could have their deckies in the morning and swap their deckies for shore based people for an arvo session out on the water.

    Outnumbered, that's a great idea mate. We could do lunch at Brighton Beach or some such spot and then swap deckies in the arvo.

    BUSTER - mate, hope you don't mind, but I'm taking the initiative to put down the numbers. Date is still up in the air, personally, I was thinking about the weekend after The Entrance social. So, it's probably going to have to be 11/03 (Sat) or 12/03 (Sun) or the week after i.e. 18th and 19th March.

    The numbers are -


    Outnumbered + 1

    mr & mrs swordfisherman


    rus_cb (only if it's before 26/02)









    Total: 15

    I'm excited about it, let's finalise dates shall we?

    Cheers all,


  16. Hello there,

    My first fishing report! Thanks to all fishraiders for making me feel welcome :1prop:

    Being a novice fisherman, I decided to see if I could give my *NEW* 12ft rod a bit of a workout, aiming for fish >30cms, which is predominantly what I've been catching off land thus far. Having heard of the Kingie action at Mol Point, I decided to give it a whirl at about 7:00pm. Other equally keen anglers seemed to be well underway in very very windy conditions and after clambering down the rocks and making small talk with the blokes next to me, I was informed, very kindly, that if I parked my car where I'd parked, I'd have no chance of getting out of Mol point before sunrise. Seeing that pizza delivery was out of the question, I decided to bail. End of part 1 of my fishing expedition without as much as casting a line :05:

    I managed to get to the car, just as the security guys / ranger drove past with flashing lights, having closed one gate and leaving just enough space for me to squeeze through. Boy, was I relieved, I was still out with a chance, and said to myself, Go Ash go, you're going to catch one of those suckers yet, and with this renewed optimism, headed out to Bare Island.

    The scenic view of Bare Island as I drive in never fails to take my breath away and I unloaded my gear with the sense of urgency and resolve that only a fisho deprived of a catch can empathise with. Worked my way out to the rocks on the Western side of Bare Island and cast out with a squid on a 5/0 hook, muttering a silent prayer to the fish god to keep the bastards hungry. After about half an hour of standing in what felt to me like a gale, I was rewarded.................................................................with rain :1badmood:

    Got myself and my gear back to the car, cursing :ranting2: , yet bizarrely enjoying the spectacular night show. A sense of despondency had befallen me as I realised that the odds were against me and I trudged wearily away, leaving the fish to fight another day.

    Needless to say, I pulled myself together and headed to Cooks Park...more disappointment and after spending 6 luckless hours in awful weather, the only solace I could get was a good nights sleep which I proceeded to get earlier today.

    I will be back, watch out fishies, I'll get you yet!



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