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Everything posted by mrmoshe

  1. I hope you get onto them Dan. I don't really expect it will be fixed until some time next week as the woman on the phone said "in the next few days" for the plumber. Hopefully it will be fixed by the kingy social anyway as I'm sure a lot of raiders wil be launching from there and will be lining up to clean their catch. Cheers and keep us posted fellas., Pete.
  2. Thanks Dan...You are both added. We are OK for the bread rolls, but Admin are going to do another final inventory of what we need and may get back to you if there's anything else that pops up. Thanks again for the offer. Cheers, Pete.
  3. Come on Raiders!!! I urge anyone contemplating attending the social to put their names down ASAP as we'd like expected totals so we can arrange enough food/beverages for everyone. It's a fun day as anyone who attended the last one will attest and seeing those kingies being measured every 10 minutes or so is inspiring. There is a good beach there to beach your boat while you drop in for a feed and a drink or to have your catch measured etc. Come along, even if it's just for the social side of things..You don't have to fish if you don't want to and even if you do, you can even fish landbased there from the long jetty. So put your names down guys and let's make this bigger and better than last years. Cheers, Pete.
  4. I have spoken to North Sydney Council again this morning and they inform me that they are sending out a plumber "in the next few days" to fix the cleaning table tap. At least the NS Council actually follow up quickly on reports, unlike several others I could name. Can anyone using Tunks Ramp keep an eye on progress and report back here on the status of the repair please? Cheers, Pete.
  5. Thanks to the kind generosity of many members...The shopping list for the Kingy Social is now complete!! http://fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.ph...t=0#entry204911 Admin will be in contact soon to verify amounts needed etc and logistics of delivery etc. We have some great members who go out of their way to see events like this go off smoothly and donate goods/services out of their own pockets and all are to be commended..Well done all!! See you all at the social. Cheers, Pete.
  6. Great read and pics Waynie.. For the conditions and that bar..you did well. Love reading good, well written reports like those. Cheers, Pete.
  7. That WAS funny. Deserved to be the winner too. Cheers, Pete.
  8. Geez Paul..be careful in electrical storms mate. Would hate to have to change your handle to rZAP! Cheers, Pete.
  9. Yeah, it should look just right in about 12 months if it's anything like mine.(same hat) Mine has bait stains, fish blood stains, Gulp Alive juice, and dried salt stains and has some real character now. A bit like my good self really..beaten, smelly and grubby Pete.
  10. I dare you to wear it to work Glenn Pete.
  11. The perfect capture and the perfect picture. Well done Robbie. Cheers, Pete.
  12. Maybe Maritime should buy her as a replacement for the wedding cake that fell over. Cheers, Pete.
  13. Just found the perfect boat for all you overnight fishos. Plenty of light on the deck. Might need a few Etecs to power it along though. Going for $244k http://www.apolloduck.com/feature.phtml?id=21041 Cheers, Pete.
  14. G'day fellas, I'll put you two down as attending and looking for deckie possies. Remember also that you can fish for kings lanbased at Clifton off the wharf if all else fails. Some nice fish landed from there in the past...just remember they will try to brick you on the pylons. Cheers, Pete.
  15. Good on ya Pete...Your support is much appreciated. There you go Raiders!! If you needed incentive to attend..you just got it. Well done. Cheers, Pete.
  16. Great report Brett and congrats on the new PB. Sounds like you blokes had a great day chasing the kings and getting bricked by the whoppers. A good result after a long day in the rain. Yeah, that rod bend is something else eh? Makes for all the more excitement when they bend 'em like that. Gonna miss you guys at the Kingy Social Cheers, Pete.
  17. mrmoshe

    The Bathtub Test

    Move over Stumpy..Caught me out too. Funny stuff indeed. Cheers, Pete.
  18. Thanks mate...I'll chase it up again in the morning. Sure doesn't sound like it's just been professionally removed for water restrictions. I bet the locals will kick up a stink when fish are cleaned on that table without flushing away the guts/scales etc and the sun gets out again. Cheers, Pete.
  19. I spoke to North Sydney Council this morning about this problem and so far, they have no report of the tap being missing. I have now reported it to them and will call them back tomorrow to see if my report has gone up the chain of command and anything is being done about it....Stay tuned to this station. The woman on the switch suggested it may be a water restriction initiative, but I argued that if that's the case, surely there would be a sign erected stating that...she had no answer to that. Anyway...hopefully we can get it fixed pronto. Cheers, Pete. ps: Miller...Was the pipe capped off or just a bare thread or bent/broken standpipe?? This info may help when I call them back tomorrow. Pete.
  20. I think it's North Sydney Council in charge of that ramp Miller. Give them a tingle and see if they even know about it. Bloody vandals Cheers, Pete.
  21. G'day Jake and a big to the forums. Mate, why don't you come along to the Kingy Social on the 24th Feb and I'm sure plenty of members will steer you onto your first Kingfish. The socials are a load of fun and not a fishing comp. by any means...more a social gathering focused around catching the species of each social. It's also a great place to put faces to names you have probably read in posts and have a feed and a in a great atmosphere. Hope to see you there. Cheers, Pete.
  22. You are on the list, as well as looking for a deckie possie. Cheeers, Pete.
  23. MMmmmm...flattie fillets. Well done mate on the lizards. Hope to catch up for a session soon. Bring on the pics. Cheers, Pete.
  24. On ya Murray. BTW...Just got a call from Mosman Council...They've agreed to re-name Clifton Gardens, "Day Release Gardens" just for the day.....Geez, with all the Stumpettes on board, it will be like the First Fleet arriving. See ya there. (I'll be incogneto..the one wearing the Grouch Marx glasses and mo.) Pete.
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